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@EstherK: my boys

@EstherK: my boys ❤

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"Home sweet home!" I say once I swing open my door. "Wyatt!" I yell out when I see the grey cat sprint towards me. "Hey baby." I pick him up and kiss his little head.

"Wow, and I thought you were talking about me." Scott said once he got to the entrance way to my house. "Why would I say that to you? I've been by your side all day." "Well you could be excited to see me after that long walk I had to make to your house carrying your luggage."

"Hm, maybe you're right. I did miss you but Wyatt beats you every time... And besides, I have other names for you, Daddy." I say before putting Wyatt down and walking to my room. Scott was right on my heels though, avoiding the various obstacles in my hallways that he wasn't use to. "You can't just say things like that Mitch." "And why's that?" I retort, while I sit down on my king bed. "B-Because"
"Because what?" I smirk. I watched as he fumbled with what words to say next. "Because it makes me..." "Come on Scotty. Tell me." "You-You make me feel things."

I couldn't help but start snickering. Oh gosh, he sounded so innocent. I loved it.

"What kind of things?" "Mitchyy" He whined, "Fine. Okay. I'll drop it... If you come take a nap with me?" "I-I should get home..." Scott said.

"Oh. Right. Uhm, yeah. Okay." I got up, and went into my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror. When did I become so dependent on one guy? Why was I so clingy and needy? I sighed and changed out of my clothes, leaving me in my boxers.

Not like anyone would see me anyways. I walked back out, ready to lay down when I saw Scott in my bed, shirtless and attempting to take a picture with my stubborn cat. I couldn't not laugh. Wyatt was being a diva. He kept moving around and dodging the camera lens.

"Oh hey. Hope you don't mind my company." Scott said looking over the white covers. "N-No. Its fine..." I can't believe he stayed. "Why did you decide to stay?"

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