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Over the next couple of days Mitch and I had been attending his counseling sessions. She told him to limit his drinking and make sure to tell someone if he is ever feeling suicidal. She even helped us with our Alex problem.

"So you want to do what?" I ask again, to make sure I heard him right. "We should send Alex an anti-wedding invitation." Mitch repeated. "Yeaaahh, what the hell is that?" I wasn't catching on.

"Like instead of a wedding invitation, we'll send him the restraining order!" Mitch exclaimed like it was so obvious. "Mitch... Where do you even get these ideas from?" "I'm just amazing."


I can't believe we're doing this. We had filed a restraining order against Alex about two weeks ago. We had the court hearing where Alex got an unofficial copy of the restraining order, so leave it to Mitch here to want to send him the official document as an anti-wedding invitation.

"So our colors! We have got to talk to Kirstie and Jeremy. We haven't really talked to anyone later besides judges and lawyers. My family doesn't even know about this." Mitch admitted, "What? You didn't tell them!?" "Okay, don't come at me like that! And no, I didn't tell them. I don't want them to blame you or something..." "Mitch. You need to tell them. Its almost been a month now! I even told my parents!" "Scott!" "No. Don't you even get mad. They knew Alex, he was my boyfriend remember?" Mitch sighed and pressed his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose, "Okay. Fine. Whatever." "Nu-uh. You aren't brushing this off." "Well can we at least go to my house instead of talking out in public. Who knows who could be watching.. Or listening."

"Fine." Mitch and I walked in silence as we got into my car. He seemed to take a liking to it. "So you told your parents... What did they say?" He asked once we got settled in our seat belts. It was clear to me that he was nervous because he wasn't looking at me and he was picking and biting at his nails. "They were shocked... They told me that I should've been there. They also-" "Wait! They did not blame you for Alex's actions did they!?" "Not necessarily?" "This was nobody's fault but Alex..."

I only sighed in reply. I still felt like part of it was my fault. It was my ex. I left him alone. I ignored him. Me.

"Scott. Get out of your head." I glanced over at him before focusing back on the road. He knew me well.

"I can't seem to shake the feeling that it sorta is my fault."

"Come on Scotty, you're supposed to be the one helping me not blame myself. Not the other way around." Mitch teased. "Think about it. None of this would've happened if I didn't break up with him." "None of this would've happened if that Kyle guy didn't give me the wrong number... So technically its his fault."

I looked at Mitch to see if he was serious or not. He had a good poker face. It wasn't until I saw him crack a smile that I knew he was just trying to make me realize that it wasn't really me that was to blame.

"Okay yeah, let's blame Kyle." "Kyle is evil."

"Evviiill." I repeated in a Mermaid Man impression causing both Mitch and I to laugh.


Things were starting to get easier. It was still hard to wrap my head around what happened but I was managing. Scott and Kevin were really helping. Especially Kevin, he would talk to me after Scott would leave to make sure I was okay and not falling into depression.

"So what happened when he said his parents blamed him?" "We kinda got off topic... So we didn't finish that conversation."

"Well, you guys may want to bring it up at your next session. If not when you go in for marriage counseling, it may be brought up again.. And who knows how he'll feel by then." "What does that mean?" "Nothing." "Kevin." "I swear its nothing."


"Johnathan thinks you should speak out about what happened." Kirstie said while we were flipping through bridal magazines. "What? Why!? That's personal." "I-I know... But he thinks it may help the fans... Ya know, seeing someone who has been through the same thing... Think of Kesha!"

"Kirstin. No." "What if-" "No. That's final."


@AdrianaRodriguez651: oh my gosh that is heartbreaking #IStandWithMitch

@SimCat8: @mitchgrassi I love you and you are so strong!! #IStandWithMitch

@Magicoowie: what has this world come to? Taking advantage of someone while they're drunk! I'm gonna be sick! #IStandWithMitch

@Superscomiche: how could someone be so cruel. #IStandWithMitch


I stared at the phone in my hands. This couldn't be happening...


"Mitch. I felt like it was what was best for the group. You guys can gain another audience and respect. Plus it raises awareness!" Johnathan said trying to justify his actions. How could he go behind my back and release my private information!?

"You didn't have his permission! That is crossing a line!" Scott yelled, "You had no right to release anything. How could you make that decision?!" "We will talk to the label about this, Johnathan." Esther said as she led him out the room.

"Mitch?" I heard a deep voice say, breaking the tension in the room, "Hey, it'll be okay. We're here for you." Avi continued to say after I wouldn't answer. I kept my eyes locked on the screen that was illuminating in my hands... Tweets kept pouring in. I didn't know whether to be angry or relieved... I didn't know if I should cry or smile...

The fans knew. Hell, the world knew. And I didn't know how to feel about it.

"Scott? C-Can we go... I need to take my mind off of this." "Yeah. Yeah. Sure! L-Lets go." Scott hopped out of his seat and waited for me as I walked over to him. A small smile made its way onto my face. He was so good to me.

"I'm gonna go with you. In case you get bored of staring at Scott the rest of the day. I can definitely take your mind off of everything..." I looked at Kirstie with a brow raised, "With more wedding magazines!" Then she gasped, "No, no! Shopping!" She exclaimed.

I shook my head. Only Kirstie.

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