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Noodle: hey. I have a question for you...

Angel: I'm nervous.

Noodle: ha, don't be girl. I'm just curious.

Angel: well. OK. Ask away Britney.

I chuckled at his reference. Then realized just how similar he and Mitch were. My only hope was to ask this question.

Noodle: ur name isn't Mitchell is it?


He didn't text back.

Its been a week.

I'm not sure if I was right or so wrong that I scared him off.


Angel: why do u ask?

Noodle: took ya long enough. I told u I was curious!

Angel: So would u get mad if my name was Mitchell instead of Michael?

Noodle: nope.

Angel: well my name is Mitchell. I didn't tell u bcuz I hate using my real name.

Oh, that makes sense. People do that all the time. Now all was left was trying to figure out if this Mitchell was the Mitchell Grassi.


"Kirstie! I think he knows."

"What makes you say that?" Kirstie questions. "Hm, let's see... He asked if my name was Mitchell!? What would even make him think that could be my name!?" I yelled. I took some precautions to make sure he didn't figure out who I was. I know I slipped up a few times but I always followed up with a cover. Now, he knows my name is Mitchell. I know I could've continued lying, but honestly what good would that do?

"Mitch? Are you even listening?"

"Shoot, sorry. What'd you say?" I asked. I didn't mean to tune her out, its just when I get into my own head its hard to come out... No pun intended.

"I said I may have accidentally texted him..."


"And I may have had a finger slip and call you Mitchell..." She admitted in a low whisper. My eyes grew the size of Jupiter. She may have screwed this whole thing up for me.

"Kirstie! You knew how important This was for me! I didn't want him to even be suspicious of anything. Now he is! And why, because you felt the need to text him?! Why did you even text him? Does he know who you are?" I had no idea how to feel right now. She went behind my back to get Scott's number. She knew what our relationship meant to me.

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