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"I'm just gonna... Go!" Esther said as she rushed out the room.

"What's with her?"

Scott looked down at his fingers. "Hellooo. Are you going to answer me?"

"Now you want to talk." He mumbled.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm busy Scott! You should know that! I can't sit around all day on my phone like some people." How dare he get mad at me because I hadn't responded to his messages.

"Yeah, but you're able to get on Twitter and Snapchat with guys! I totally get it." Scott said as he got up, fuming. "And you act as if I don't work! I have a job. Not all of get to sing and tour for a living."

"Wait, wait, wait wait! Snapchat with guys? Are you talking about the one picture I took today... Wearing your gift? Scott you're fucking stupid."

"Please explain. Because right now, I think you may be cheating on me." Scott crossed his arms and waited for my answer.

"You think I'm cheating? Oh my god. I can't deal with this right now. I-I have to get ready. Genevieve will be coming in shortly and you need to be gone."

"I might be gone for good if we don't get to the bottom of this."

My eyes widened in shock, "W-What?" He didn't mean that. He couldn't. We just made it official and now it's over. That can't happen. No.

"You heard me. I need to know. You seem to be doing everything in your power to avoid the question I asked." He said matter-of-factly.

"Hey Mitchyyy!" A male voice said, making the situation so much more worse.

"Did I interrupt? I'm sorry." They said. "Uhm no, actually come here."

I heard Scott scoff and mumble an 'of course'.

"Tell him I'm not sleeping with you." I say pointing to Scott. Javier laughed, "Why would I? I have a girlfriend."

I watched as Scott's eyes grew and his jaw slightly part. I knew he felt dumb.

"That will be all Javier. You can set my clothes in the corner."

We waited for Javier to leave before starting our conversation up again.

"Sooo.. Will you be apologizing or will I be boyfriendless?"

"God, Mitch! I'm sorry! I jumped to conclusions and I really shouldn't have." He plopped back in the sofa and put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry I almost fucked us up."

"It's fine. I know where you're coming from." I go to sit next to him but he scoots over, "Scott.."

"I can't. I'm literally the dumbest person in the world right now." "Stop that. I told you I understand! I made it seem like I was avoiding you then you saw me with some guy you didn't know and assumed the worst. It happens."

He just sighed as he shook his head.

"Come here." I yank him into a hug, pulling him down on the couch. "It's okay."


"Aww." "So cute!"

I groan into Scott's chest. Of course someone would be in here now.

"Don't catch an attitude with me, girl." Genevieve said, as I got up off of Scott. He was very comfortable.

"Blame this one."


"Hey Jakey." Scott greeted him first, giving him a tight hug. "I want all the photo creds for this." He said as he showed us the picture he took.

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