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It was finally concert day! I was gonna sing and dance my heart out tonight. I called up Rozzi and told her I was ready so we could drive down to the venue in one car to save us the trouble of parking.

"Scott! I can't believe I'm gonna see Avi live! I will melt in my seat when they Sing Let's Get it On! I used to laugh at fangirls, Scott, now I am a fan girl! This group has changed me." Rozzi shouted once we got to our seats.

I had to give it to Alex, he had gotten great seats. It wasn't the front row, it was the second. So I could see everything onstage. He would've loved this view.

"Scott? You okay?" Rozzi asked, breaking me from my train of thought. "Yeah, I'm great! I can't wait for it to start." I looked around the arena to see if I could spot someone wearing a Vetements shirt. No one in sight so far, but I guess it was because we were early. I pulled out my phone to make sure Michael was coming.

Scotty ❤: hey! Just checking on u. R u here?
Mikey❤❤: I'm here. R u?
Scotty ❤: yep! I was looking for u.
Mikey❤❤: maybe we should wait...
Scotty ❤: why? We're both here tonight tho? Pls tell me u aren't gonna go thru w/ that?!
Mikey❤❤: I'm so sorry. I'm not ready.
Scotty ❤: yeah. OK. Fine.

"Give it up for Kirstin Maldonado, Kevin Olusola, Avi Kaplan, and Miiitch Graaassiiii" The announcer said just as the lights dimmed and Tetratonix started singing a medley of songs.

I heard Rozzi screaming her head off as soon as Avi stepped onto the stage. And I thought I was bad! I chuckled and tried to enjoy the concert.


As you can see the concert was so much fun

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As you can see the concert was so much fun. I enjoyed watching everyone in their element, especially Kevin and Avi, or should I say Potatoes and Gravy. Only true Tetraholics know where that nickname is from! Then of course, the Queen! She made all of the pictures I took because she looked fabulous in her Vetements shirt during their second half of the concert!

Vetements... Michael was wearing that tonight. I wonder if his outfit was inspired by Mitch.

"Scott! You wanna go look around for the tour buses with the other fans?" Rozzi asked, "Might as well watch you act like a fool some more!" I say as we leave with a group of teenagers and parents.

Scotty ❤: you'll nvr guess what my friend is making me do w/ her.

Mikey❤❤: I'm not good at guessing. Wyd?

Scotty ❤: looking 4 the groups tour buses!
Scotty ❤: hello?
Scotty ❤: Mikey?

"Scott! They found them! Hurry up and get off your phone." Rozzi yelled, a couple feet in front of me. "Do you know how long its gonna take for them to all come out? They might send everyone away!" "Stop being so pessimistic! We are going to meet them! Now let's go over there and wait." She said as she pulled on my arm, leading me to the crowd of fans who were also waiting.

15 minutes later no one had come out.

15 minutes later no reply from Michael.

15 minutes later, my damn feet hurt.

"Hi guys! You waited all this time for us?" A deep voice said, it was aviously Avi. I turned around and say Rozzi having a spazz attack, "Calm down! He won't come over if you're being all weird." Her eyes got large, "You're right. Wait! What of he thinks you're my boyfriend. Get away from me!" She said as she pushed me into someone behind me. "I'm sorry Scott!" Rozzi said as she rushed back over to me, "Don't apologize to me, apologize to the person you made me hit." Rozzi and I both turned to get a good look at the person, and my eyes grew 10 times their actual size.

Mitch Grassi.

He was in front of me.

I am not okay.

"I-I.. She.. S-Sorry." Really Scott? That's all you can say? "Its fine. I wasn't paying attention." He smiled up at me, "I'm guessing you're here for a picture or something?" He asked. "Right! To, uh, to take a picture!" I nervously laugh, and press the camera button icon on my phone. "Rozzi, take the pic." I hand her my phone and stand back with Mitch. He was so adorable in person. "You just gonna stare at him all day Scott?" I snapped out of staring down at Mitch and focused on taking the picture. "Thanks." I said after we were done. I was about to walk towards the others when he stopped me, "Y-You're name is Scott?" He asked, his eyes scanning my face. "Yeah?" Okay, weird...

Kirstie's hand on his shoulder seemed to bring him back to reality, as he jumped from her touch. "Sorry. You-You just remind me of someone." Mitch said with a smile. He then turned to Kirstie, "Kirst, this is Scott." Boy did that sound familiar.

"Scott?" She questioned Mitch, he only nodded in response. Glancing back at me, she gave me a hug, "Its nice to meet you! I see a lot of your tweets! So, wanna take a selfie?" "Whoa, hold up!? You read my tweets?" I asked horrified. "Yeah. We did follow you on the group account. And even on our personals, you seem to show up a lot." Kirstie said giggling.


The rest of the impromptu meet & greet was pretty much the same. They all acted as if they knew me already, but blamed it on my endless tweeting. I guess I should cut back on that then.

I went through all the pictures from tonight and sent the ones with the me and each member from the group to Michael.

Scotty ❤: look at this! Wish u were there tho, u would've loved it!

[4 Attachments Sent]

Mikey❤❤: wow. U seemed to enjoy urself, huh?
Scotty ❤: yeah. It still woulda been better w/ u.
Scotty ❤: I'm still bummed we didn't meet.

Mikey❤❤: who knows, maybe u did. 😏
Scotty ❤: what? Mikey! What does that mean? Did I meet u?? Did u see me?

Mikey❤❤: nite babe.

Did I meet him tonight? Why is he keeping himself a mystery?

Who is Mikey?

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