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@scotthoying: plane rides w/ my main b*tch ❤❤

@xxxFCUTExxx: so cute @scotthoying

KOintheBuildin: @mitchgrassi @scotthoying see you in a couple hours!

KTOfficial: @mitchgrassi @scotthoying

KTOfficial: @mitchgrassi @scotthoying

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@leah_ttx12: I am Kirstie


"Finally! Land!" Scott said as we got off the plane. "So dramatic." I shook my head and made my way through the airport.

We had a car already waiting on us, courtesy of Esther. She knew Scott, Kirstie, and I were coming back on the same flight and we had to be at rehearsal as soon as we arrived so it was best if we traveled together.

"Come on!!" Kirstie rushed us out the doors and started looking for our car. "You gonna help look for the truck?" Kirstie asked once she saw we were standing there watching her.

"Right." I began walking down the strip and spotted the black SUV. "Its over here!" I grab Scott's hand and lead him to the truck.

"You guys left me?!" Kirstie said, clearly panting. She must've run over to us once she saw us putting our bags in the trunk.



After getting to rehearsals we did a quick run through then they crew wanted to test the lighting and the choreographers wanted to see what the moves would look like under the performance lights and if we were hitting marks.

I almost forgot Scott was there until he handed me a water and a Larabar. I tilted my head so I could give him a quick peck before anyone would notice I wasn't singing.

That plan didn't go all too well. Esther and Jake started squealing, Avi's deep laugh rang through the arena, and that obviously distracted everyone.

"Guys! Its a kiss. Everyone does it. Back to work!" Our new manager, Jonathan said. He was waaayyy better than Mark.


@scotthoying: when ur a proud bf // when @mitchgrassi is in her element// when u can't help but take a pic of perfection.

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