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Wow, 30 Amazing chapters! Feels like just yesterday this started out as a random thought turned short story turned actual book lol.

So keeping it short & simple, here is more drama!


I made it back to LA, practically running on autopilot. How had I fucked up so badly?

Mitch knew about Alex, but why was he so upset?

This was all too much to think about. Mitch was mad at him and he had no idea how to make it up to him.


I made my way to my apartment to see Justin and Alex in the lobby.

"What the hell do you want?" I hiss, "He wouldn't take no for an answer." Justin said, "He wanted to talk.

"Well I don't. He can go." "Its a lobby. You don't own the lobby do you Scott?" Alex said.

Why did he have to be right? Rolling my eyes, I led them up to my place. "You have 5 minutes." I say as I set my bags by the door and sit down.

I watch as Alex sits in the chair across from my while Justin opted for standing. "I wanted to apologize for everything. With the whole calling Mitch bae and starting Twitter drama." He said. "Okay. Thanks."

"And if it was possible we could give it another shot?" He added.

"Get out of my apartment!" I stood up and opened the front door. "I'm sorry about him, I didn't know he'd ask for a second chance." Justin said as he pushed Alex out the door. "Is that why he's been calling and texting me nonstop? He's been trying to get a second chance? He's the one who broke up with me! For no good reason, might I add." I was beyond pissed. He knew I was already dating Mitch yet here he is trying to crawl back into my life.

"I'll talk to him. Bye Scott." Justin gave me a pat on the shoulder and left.

All of this was way too much to deal with.


"I was right! I can't believe I was right, Esther!" I yelled through the tears.

I was pouring my soul out to Kirstie and Esther and they were doing their best to console me.

"I knew. I knew something was going on with him! I should've known it was Alex! I-I should've known. He didn't want me. He-He wanted the spotl-light." I sobbed into Kirstie's arms.

"I fell in love with him Kirst."

"Sweetie. You know I'm always on your side, but we don't actually know if he was cheating." Esther said as she rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"What else would he be doing with Alex!?" I turned to Esther, how could she just say that? "He was hiding his phone, ignoring calls while I was a-around. He knew I was catching on so he t-told Jake to tell Alex to stop contacting him."

"Are you sure?" Kirstie asks, I could only nod before more tears escaped and I was back in her arms.

I was so stupid for believing in him.

"I think it's best you two have some space. Shouldn't be too hard since he's in LA now." Esther said.


"Will Mitch be okay to perform? He hasn't been able to make it through one song without bawling." I overheard Kevin say to Kirstie.

"I don't know. Only Mitch can answer that." She sighed. "So what actually happened at the airport?" He questioned.

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