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"Someone had fun last night?" Kevin joked once I entered the van that was driving us around for the day. I gave him a death glare and sat all the way in the back. I don't need to hear their shits and giggles.

I was tired and cranky.

We didn't have to ride a stupid van together at freaking 8 am! And to do what? Go sight seeing and hang out like we usually do.

I huffed and sat back in the seat just as Scott was coming in, getting pats on the back and shoulder from Avi and Kevin. Ugh.

"Okay whoa!? Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Scott said as he saw my visibly upset face. "Hmm, maybe because someone was sleeping on my side of the bed... As well as his own." I crossed my arms and looked out the window.

The sun was shining down on the buildings and the sky was clear. It honestly looked like a picture from a magazine. "You knew what you were in for. Don't get upset now. Besides, you can't blame me for all this, you are just as guilty as I am."

"Pshh! Yeah. Okay." I shook my head at his stupidity.

"Take a nap. Like seriously. Please." Scott said.

I side eyed him to make sure. "You can even lean on me. Well lay, it's only us back here."


I turned and studied his face once more, making sure.

I am tired. No one wants to deal with a crabby Mitchy. It was only right to give in.

I call it peer pressure... Sorta.

I lean over and place my head in his lap. "You're a nice pillow, Daddy." I say before I close my eyes and feel Scott's hand running through my hair.

Have I mentioned I love him? Because its definitely true. Like reallyyy true.


After I began running my hands through Mitch's hair, he began smiling and he let out a little moan, but we won't talk about that.

He was content and that's all that mattered.


"Mitchy. Look! There's sidewalk chalk!!" I say practically bouncing up and down as I waited for Mitch and Kirstie to catch up with me.

The group had separated and somehow, I ended up with Mitch and Kirstie. Not saying she's bad.

She's not. She's amazing. Anyone would love to be me right now. Its just I wanted Mitch to myself... Wow, I'm being possessive.

"Okay. We're here. Do you want to draw something or watch other people, little Scotty." Mitch teased as he hovered over the different colored mediums.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the pink chalk and began to scribble and doodle.

As I was drawing, Mitch and Kirstie picked up pieces of chalk and began doodling. Their picture, looking way better than mine. Like wow.

If they were singers, they could be cartoon artists.

Once we all finished we glances over each others work.

"You two did way better than me and I don't know how to feel about that." I admit as I look at the finished product.

" I admit as I look at the finished product

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