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We had practiced going over Valentine and to be honest, it sounded amaaazing!

"Esther! Listen to this!" I called out.

After we finished we realized a crowd had formed and began clapping for us.

"That was amazing!!" Esther exclaimed, I fiddled with my fingers awaiting the verdict. Was I ready to perform on stage with them?

"You seem like a good match there Scotty. You're gonna so great tonight!" She said to me. "We'll need to get you in ears and then you can practice in them for a little bit to get used to them." Jonathan added.

"In ears?" "The things we put in our ears" Mitch said as he laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I get it. I just didn't think I'd need them."

"Well you're performing with us... Why wouldn't you?" Kevin questioned

"It's not that-" I was cut off by my phone making an obnoxious sound.

That was Alex's ringtone.

I made it so I would know when to ignore it if he ever decided to call me. I simple hit ignore then went back to the conversation before my phone was ringing again.

Everyone was looking at me expectingly. "Bill people." I laugh nervously.

The others nodded but Mitch side eyed me. He knew I was lying.


Did he think I was fucking stupid? Why would a bill collector call twice in a row?

He's hiding something!

After the group went into their separate dressing rooms, I left Scott standing there and went out back. I had to think.

Who was calling him? Why didn't he want to answer the phone? Was he cheating on me? Is that why he wanted to accuse me? So it'd be easy to leave me?

Oh my god, he's gonna a leave me!?

I started pacing around, letting my mind fill with hundreds of scenarios where Scott dumps me. I hadn't even realized I was not curled onto my knees, crying.

Why can't I keep a boyfriend?

"Mitch?" I heard a faint voice call out followed by footsteps. "Mitch?!" They said, panic lacing their voice.

"I'm fine. Go away."

"Clearly." They sassed, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? D-Do I need to get Esther?"

I nodded, I did need Esther. She could help make sense of this.

"Oh. Uh- Okay."

He sounded hurt.

I hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry Scott. I just really need her right now."

He nodded and went to go find Esther, I assume. Unless the guy he's cheating on me with is here too.

"Sweetie? You know you have to be in hair and makeup right now! What happened?"

"I think Scott's cheating." I say as I wipe my tears away, "I-I feel like he-he's gonna break up with me be-cause I'm not enough for him." I admit

She sighed then sat next to me on the ground, "Mitchell. Do not be stupid. He came all this way to be with you, why would he be cheating and ready to break up with you? If you saw the way he looked at you when you aren't paying attention... It's like you're the only that matters in this world, you are his world." She said.

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