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Its been a couple weeks and they still haven't let me hear the final copy or the one with my audio on it. I'm getting antsy because I want to know how it turned out.

My Everything: guess what comes out tmrw 😏
My Everything: hope ur a patron. Cuz its already out.

Sure enough I checked my email, and there were two links. Links to new music. I gasped. Is this what I think it is? I gotta see everyone's reactions. I had to log back into my account because someone named Mitch logged me out just so he could use his instead of adding an account! Anyways, fandom freaking out...

I went through my entire and feed and notifications... Why was I included in them? Did they release the one I did along with the one with Avi? Is that why it's two links?

I went back to the email and clicked one.

Run to You || "Pentatonix"


I went back to the email and clicked on the other link.

Take Me Home || "Pentatonix"

Nope. No. Nuh-uh. This isn't happening. Is it? What!?

Scott: Mitch? Is what I'm seeing real?

My Everything: as real as scomiche

Scott: oh my gpf
Scott: oh my GOD!!
Scott: ppl heard me sing! I'm on a TTX album?!! Holy shit. Oh my God.

My Everything: I guess u like it?

Scott: I'm crying.

I was actually crying. Not like when you lie and say you're doing something over text. This was huge for me and I was emotional. They used my audio as well as Avi's. I can't.


"Did he like the surprise?" Kevin asked as he plopped down on my couch, "Yeah. He went all fangirl on me." I reply, laughing at the memory of what happened a few hours ago. "I still can't believe they let us add Scott... Even if it isn't permanent." Kirstie said. "Yeah. It was a nice compromise. I-"

In was cut off by my phone ringing. It was an unknown number. Ugh, really?

"Hello?" "Michael?" A male said through the phone.

"I think you have the wrong number." I roll my eyes. "Is this 555-2395?" Okay, that's my number? Who is this?! "Uh, how'd you get this number!?"

Kirstie mouths a 'who is it' and I could only shrug, I had no idea what was happening. "Go along with it." I heard Kevin whisper. I sighed, "This is Michael. Who is this?" "Well Michael, my name is Hayden and I'll be calling you periodically to give you directions." Hayden? Directions? What the fuck? "Directions to what? My death. I'm not gonna live an episode of Criminal Minds or Bones." "Chill. No one's killing anyone. Just go to your room and you'll find what you need." The voice said and hung up.

I was left staring at my phone.

What just happened? I looked over to Kirstin and Kevin. Where had Avi gone? I quickly got up and went into my room. There was Avi, holding up a black outfit for me to wear. "This was planned?" "Maybe. Who knows." He replied and left me to get changed. I've never been so confused in my life... Well, minus that dream about Scott.

After I changed, I got a text saying to go to the Starbucks near my house... I entered the Starbucks and my name was called out. A barista had an order for me. I went over and took the cup. Was this it? A Starbucks date? "Read the side." "Oh." That made more sense. I took a look at the side and there was familiar writing it. It just said an address?

My phone buzzed not long after I sat in my car. "Hello?" "Its time." "Time? Hayden?" I question. Who knows this could all be a sick murder game... But no, Avi was in on it. "Okay, go to the address and wait for further instructions. I sighed, this is honestly so much gas I'm wasting but I pulled off anyways. Whatever this is better be good.

Once at the address, I had to double check if in was right. This didn't seem like the right place. No one was here... Oh god. I'm going to be kidnapped. Shit. This was a trap.

*buzz* *buzz*

Crap! I jumped nearly strangling myself with the seatbelt. I got my phone and saw it was the unknown number. "I'm here." "Good. Now walk the path." "Path?" "You'll see it. If not... Just follow the voices." "Voi-" before in could finish my question, the connection was gone. He hung up on me. Rude.

I got out and fixed my blazer and top bun. After enough grooming, I was good. I went around and found the path and sure enough, there was a lit path and a beautiful harmony coming from the end of it. I slowly walked my way towards the sound and was greeted by my bandmates. What the heck? "What is happening? You guys knew about this?" Kirstie nodded, yep. We were told to occupy your time until the call was made. Then we had to book it here since you were only at the Starbucks by your place." All this was for me? But... Who? Why..

"Why me?" I asked

"Because you deserve a night dedicated to yourself. Because you're beautiful and you deserve to show it off. Because I love you and want to make you happy." I turned around and saw Scott leaning against a candle lit table set for two. "Scott..."

"Thanks guys

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"Thanks guys. That's all for tonight." He told the others behind me. He waited for them to leave to grab both of my hands and kiss the top of both before giving me a peck on my lips, "How did I do?" "Amazing! I-I can't believe you did this for me." The tears began to fill my eyes, "I love it so much... I-I love you so much." I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tightly.

I am never letting him go. I hope he knows that.

He's stuck with me.


Shout out to tenorandbaritone w/o her the scomiche date wouldn't have happened or this chapter lol. So FOLLOW her!!! ❤❤

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