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Yay. We've made it to 50 Chapters!!! I didn't think I'd let it go this far but some of you want me to keep going haha. So this will be the last chapter of this book... You guys will probably be like wtf in this chapter, but heyyy... There will be a second book because we all know that this isn't the end. :)

BTW, I have a 5-7 page paper I should be writing because it is due and I have a final tmrw that I didn't study for because instead I'm writing this.. Priorities.


It's been pretty hectic to say the least. After Johnathan released Mitch's personal business, every news channel, talk show host, magazine company, you name it wanted to get more information. They wanted to harass Mitch with questions, even stooping low enough to try to get me and the band members to talk.

Mitch was trying his hardest not to let any of the negative comments get to him, because there seemed to be a lot. People blaming him, insulting him, overall dragging him down. It was difficult to watch him read the hurtful words others would say about him, but there was nothing I could do. He would find his own way to look at them.


Scott: Mitchy. I miss u

My Other Half: I'm literally right next to u.

Scott: but ur not paying attention to me. Its like ur not here...

My Other Half: sorry. Have u seen tht Huffington post article about me & the group?

Scott: Mitch.


"It's not my fault! People keep linking articles to me on Twitter." "Yeah. Don't click in them. You have a choice!" I shook my head and got up from the couch, "I can't sit back and watch you intentionally hurt yourself." "How am I intentionally hurting myself Scott?" "Because you know how those stupid articles make you feel but you keep going back to read them."

"You wouldn't understand." Mitch said as he shook his head and went back to his phone. "Yeah. I guess I won't. I'm out of here." "You're coming back right? W-We have to meet up with David and Kirstie.." "I don't know." "What? Scott! Why are you acting like this?" "You wouldn't understand." I say before I gathered up my things and left his house. Mitch didn't understand that with him putting himself in a horrible mood affected everyone around him.


He left me. He may not be coming back?

I sunk into my spot on the couch, wishing the cushions would engulf me. I didn't want to be without him. Scott was my lifeline. He was there when I needed someone to turn to...

I wasn't enough for him to stay.

I looked down at the phone in my hands. The words that oozed hatred lining my screen. I am the problem. No matter how many times I was told it wasn't, I knew the truth. And Scott just proved it.

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