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I had to hang up. I was so furious that tears were coming from my eyes. I hadn't gone in to work because Esther had called me saying Mitch never came back to the table and then Kirstie said he was being dragged out by someone who looked like me. Knowing Mitch was drunk made everything worse.

"Scott?" Kirstie called out to me softly. "What happened? Is he okay? A-Are you okay?"

"I-I don't know. I'm angry. I'm so angry!" I admit.

"Angry? What happened?" Avi asked.

Everyone had met at my apartment and hoped Mitch would call one of us and that worked... But now I regret their presence.

"I have to make a call. C-Can one of you go get Mitch?" I ask, wiping my eyes. "Go get him? Where is he?" Avi asked. "Alex's place. I'll text you the address." I say then leave the room, trying to ignore everyone's shocked and sad expressions. I picked up my phone and dialed a number I haven't called in months....




"Scott? What a surprise." The voice said. "Cut the shit, Kirk." I said through my teeth. "Uh-oh. Did I do something wrong?" I could practically hear the smirk growing on his face. This little- "You know exactly what the hell you did! You fucked my fiancé!" "Did I? I think I would've remembered. Who is he?"

"Dammit Alex! You know." He laughed, "You're right. I do. And I see why you're marrying him. He's quite the guy in bed. Very vocal too. Now I know why he loves singing." I took a shaky breath. I needed to calm down before I ended up murdering him. "Are you getting mad?"

"I swear to god I want to strangle you right now! How could you to this!?" I grit my teeth awaiting his answer...

"Because... I wanted to see the reason you liked him more than me. I know it wasn't for his looks." He snickered. "But in all honesty, I was just gonna string him along until he found out it wasn't his precious little Scotty. But he was so convinced I was you, I couldn't embarrass him, now could I?"

"He was drunk you asshole! Any tall blonde could've been me! At least they would've had the decency to not have SEX with him! Especially seeing a damn ring on his finger!" I was yelling, I didn't care who came in. "You are an asshole who will never and I mean NEVER find someone. You are cold blooded. I'm glad you are showing your true colors now. I would've been stuck with a lunatic."

"I don't know how you can deal with yourself knowing you helped him cheat. You are a fucking monster!" "He loved every second." And with That he hung up the phone.

Ugh!!!! I chucked my phone to the ground instantly regretting it.

I hadn't texted Avi the directions to get Mitch.

I let out a frustrated sigh. I can't do this. I really can't. I feel like I'm imploding...


"I-I don't know where I am Avi. I just k-know I want t-to leave. I can't be here! I really can't." I began to cry again.

After Avi had told me Scott wasn't coming I knew this was it. I had ruined everything for us.

"I feel like my world is falling apart and its all my fault. Everything is crumbling beneath my feet."

"Come on Mitch, it'll be okay! You and Scott were practically made for each other." Avi tells me. Its not helping.. At all.

"I ruined everything. Aviii, he hates m-me. He pr-probably thinks I'm disgusting. Oh god. I'm gonna be sick. I can feel his hands on me. Oh my god." I full on sobbing, I don't know if he could even understand me at that point, "Avi. P-Please Avi. Find me. I-I can't look at these waalls anym-more. I swearr to god I'll run away."

"Okay! Mitch! I'm going need you to walk out of the building and tell me what you see..."


Once I got outside, I saw a Walgreen's, a small cafe, some clothing shops, and a bakery. "T-Theres a Walgreen's h-here." I hiccup. "People 're passing by l-looking at me weird..."

"Address Mitch. Address!"

I gave him the address and he told me he was on his way..

I sat on the steps of Alex's building. I really felt like vomiting.

I wonder how Scott felt.


I am drowning darkness.

How could this happen?

Why? Why was Alex so cruel.

Why couldn't Mitch tell it wasn't me?

"Scott... I think you should talk to me?" Kevin said breaking me from my unanswered questions. "I don't need to do shit." "Scott." "Kevin." I reply after him, "Go away. I don't need this right now." I turn my back to him. He sighed and I heard his footsteps getting closer until they were no more... I felt his arms grab me into a hug. "It'll be okay Scott."

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and I broke down crying in his arms.

I cried for myself.

I cried for Mitch.

I cried for our relationship.

I cried for my family.

I cried for the band.

I just... Cried.

"That's it man, let it out." Kevin said as he pat my back.


Once Avi picked me up, I had gotten myself to stop bawling. Now I just needed to get the thought of Alex touching me out of my head.

"Are you okay? You keep rubbing at your wrists and arms." "I-I just need a shower." That was kinda the truth. I did feel dirty.

"Wh-Where are we going? I live the other way?" I asked confused. Avi didn't live this way either...

"We're going to Scott's. Everyone is there waiting. Especially Kirstie and Esther. Kirstie got you clean clothes, Esther is there to assess you. Kevin... For support."

"A-And Scott?"

"I.." He took a long pause,"He'll be happy to know you're safe in one piece."

Yeah. Right.


I was sitting on the couch with Kirstin and Kevin, Kirstin holding my hand and Kevin there to reassure me...

We all took deep breaths when we saw Mitch.

I wasn't expecting what I saw. It only made me more upset. Alex fucking marked him! Fuck! Shit! Fucking shit! Dammit! UGH!

"I can't do this. Not right now. I'm sorry." I got up and ran by Mitch and Avi, and out my front door.

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