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It had been a few days after I had sprinted out of rehearsal, and I hadn't talked to Scott since.

After confessing that I was scared, Kirstie took me into her arms and let me ramble on about my fears and thoughts on Scott. She helped me with accepting the fact Scott may be in love with me. I say may, because he hasn't told me himself yet since I've been avoiding contact...

It's not like I don't want to, I just don't know what to say. Am I supposed to be like 'Hey Scott. Heard you fell in love with me. Text me back. Xoxo Gossip Girl'


I have no clue how to approach this. And besides, it's not like he's made an effort to blow up my phone asking if I'm okay or if we could hang out... Some insinuation that he wanted to talk to me would be great! But nope. Nada.


I was stuck staring at the blank phone in my hand.

Why hasn't he called me? He could even text me and I'd be okay.

What if he doesn't want to talk to me because of what Jake did. Crap. This is bad. I ruined everything because I decided to have Jake in my group message.

When... No not when, how did my life get to this point? I'm waiting on a celebrity to text me. My grandmother would probably tell me to get out of fairytale land if I told her this news.

It feels like just yesterday when I had a loving boyfriend and we were going to go to the Tetratonix concert together. Crazy how life changes. Now I'm single and borderline losing my mind over Mitch Grassi from Tetratonix.

I need a nap... And Mitch to text me.


Apparently neither of those were happening. I was awake in my bed, alone with a dying phone.


"Talk to the guy! He's probably creating drafts in other people's apartments from pacing his floor waiting for you to call him or something." Kevin said. "Why would he be waiting for me to do it? He can!"

"Have you thought about him being nervous? Him freaking out over the the fact you haven't said anything to him since Jake blabbed. He probably thinks you want nothing to do with." Kevin said matter-a-factly. Why did Kevin always have to make sense... Or be right. I want him to be wrong at least one time!

"Can I say I'll think about it?"

"Fine. Do what you will."

"Queen will do, what Queen will does." I shrugged.

He shook his head and walked over to Avi. I sighed, it wouldn't hurt to shoot him a quick text... Just.. Not right now. Later.

Yeah! Later...


Uhm... How long should later be? It has been like 6 days... Is that too long? Gasping, I realized I may have made a mistake.

What if he gave up on me?

No, no, no. I refuse sister!


Mitchy: Scotty?

Scotty: yes...?

Mitchy: are we okay?

Scotty: why wouldn't we be..?

Mitchy: just needed reassurance I guess.

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