Chapter One

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This story was written before the release of The Crown, so it is not accurate to that book. THIS IS AN AU.


The thick, folded paper with words inked in a bold font is waved in front of me.

"Elizabeth, you must consider it," my mother pleads, crinkling the paper in the desperate grip of her delicate hand. "This would be an amazing opportunity for you."

I was planning on intercepting the acceptance letter to the boarding school my mother made me apply for. She got to the mail before me.

"It's not what I want. You're only thinking about what you want," I protest.

"I'm thinking about what would be best for you! This would be a great place to make connections."

"I understand that, but it wouldn't be the right fit for me."

"I went to this school, and met your father. Now look where I am." Neither of us have to look around. We're both aware of the chandeliers and marble floors. Her point is crystal clear, she wants me to follow in her footsteps and become a rich trophy wife.

"I already said," my tone becomes low and pleading. "It's not what I want."

My mother throws her hands up in exasperation. I turn away from her, walking quickly through the foyer to the base of the stairs.

"You're going to turn out just like Annabelle!" She's referring to my sister, who joined the Peace Corps when she moved out.

"It would be better than turning out like you." I don't let her respond, running up the stairs to my bedroom and slamming the door.

Ever since Anna left and I became the oldest child in the house, I've become the proxy for my parents' hopes and dreams. Most of the time, I wish that I could escape into a fictional world and stay there forever.

I lay on my bed for awhile, trying to tune out the world around me. But after a few minutes, I'm interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Elle?" I hear from outside. I sigh and stand up, straightening my clothes, and walk over to open the door.

Standing outside the door is my sister Genevieve.

"Hey Gen," I say, letting her in.

Gen is one of the biggest reasons I don't want to go to the boarding school. I don't want to leave her here to be the oldest child. She's only thirteen, and I don't want her to have to bear that pressure alone.

"What happened?" She says walking in and sitting on my bed.

"The acceptance letter for that boarding school came." I sit down beside her.

"Are you going to go?"

"Obviously not. I'm not going to leave you here."

"Don't think about me. If you want it then you should go."

"It's not just about that Gen. It wouldn't be like Hogwarts. It's a school for rich brats."

"Like us," she laughs, and I laugh along.

"Yeah, like us."

A moment later, we hear footsteps and a piercing laugh from downstairs. We share a knowing glance.

"Aunt Octavia." Gen rolls her eyes and we both begrudgingly make our way out of my room and down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs, I hear my Aunt Octavia's shrill voice.

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