Chapter Two

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"This is where I have to leave you Elle," Kiera tells me as we reach a window on the outside of the palace.

I let out a long breath. "So, I just go find Maxon?"

Kiera puts her hands on my shoulders. "Just tell him who you are, and show him what's in the bag." I nod and hug her. She smiles, "I'll see you soon."

Then, Kiera opens the window and I crawl in onto the ground. When I look back up at the window, it's already closed and Kiera is gone. I'm pretty sure she's a witch, but I don't have time to analyze that, so I just move on.

Since the sun has now risen, the room is filled with warm summer light. I stand up, walk outside the door, and find a plaque that says Newsome Library. Next to the door, I find a bench lining the wall to sit down to take in my surroundings, and take the bag Kiera gave me off my shoulder. Inside of it, I find books and a note. The note has the address of Kiera, Amberly, and Celeste on it, and the books aren't just any books, they're the Selection series.

Go figure.

All of them are here, even The Crown and a second Happily Ever After companion for The Heir and The Crown. Even though I have no idea where to go, I start walking around to try and find Maxon. I assume that he's with America somewhere, considering she just had a heart attack.

Suddenly, I hear a loud shout, "You there, stop!" I whip around with my hands up to see a tall man with dark hair and green eyes. He has plain clothes on and a petite woman standing behind him. 

"Aspen and Lucy," I whisper to myself, accidentally out loud. 

"What did you say?" he booms.

"You're Aspen Leger." I respond hesitantly, "And that's your wife, Lucy."

"Do I know you?" He responds, still trying not to seem confused.

"There's no time to explain," I say hastily, "But I need to speak to Maxon, immediately."

"Don't you mean King Maxon?" he replies with authority.

"Uh... yeah sure. I just need to talk to him as soon as possible."

This isn't going as smoothly as I planned in my head. I guess I assumed that since so many rebel attacks happened in the books, I'd be able to waltz right in.

He looks me over and asks, "Who are you to ask for time with the king? He doesn't take walk-ins."

"I'm Elle Galloway," I answer as confidently as I can. If this is supposed to be 'my story' I should try to be the best protagonist I can be. "I think for me you can make an exception."

Aspen sighs, and finally searches me and leads me through the long palace hallways to Maxon. 

Aspen didn't question the books, since he has no idea what they're about. As for the note, he didn't even bother to look at it. When we reach America's room, Aspen enters as I wait in the hallway.  It takes only a minute or two before he comes back through the door with Maxon behind him. 

"Please excuse my informality," he says, straightening his tie. "How can I help you?"

Maxon Schreave is standing right in front of me.

He's nothing and exactly how I imagined him. He has blond messy hair and light brown eyes. I can tell immediately that this is the Maxon Schreave I've read so much about.

"May we speak alone?" I request.

"I wish I could, but this isn't exactly a favorable time." I can tell he's on edge. "I have to stay with my wife."

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