Chapter Seven

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After meeting Genevieve, America and Maxon fall in love with her bubbly personality and graciously let her stay in the palace. They give her a room next to mine and her own maid. They even give her a job helping organize the libraries. Everything feels so much better now that Genevieve is here. Now, I really feel like I can have a home here, and a fresh start.

After helping Genevieve settle in, I help Eadlyn uphold her promise to her parents. By mid-morning, Eadlyn and I have planned four dates. We've planned three of them with suitors she hasn't spoken to yet, and one with Kile, who she hasn't had a proper date with.

Maxon tells Eadlyn she can have the day off work to have time for her dates, but she decides that that's a bad idea. Eadlyn tells me that she wants to show that she can balance her work life and love life.

Eadlyn goes to work with Maxon for a few hours and then goes to three of her dates, so I decide to head to the Women's room, hoping that there aren't any visitors. Thankfully, there aren't.

I spend a few hours reading and talking to Celeste, Amberly, and America. At about mid-afternoon, Eadlyn busts through the door and runs over to me. I stand up and hug her. "What's wrong?" I ask.

She lets go and puts her head in her hands, "Ugh, it was so awkward."

America stands up and puts her hand on Eadlyn's shoulder, "What happened?"

"Well," Eadlyn starts, sitting down in a chair, "Harrison and I went to go play croquet. I bet what the cameras got was fine, since they were too far away to hear anything anyways. But we didn't talk the entire time. He just kept awkwardly looking at me." Eadlyn groans, "I think we should have a party on Saturday and an elimination the next day".

"I think that sounds great," America says encouragingly, "That'll keep things moving along."

"I'll help you plan it," I suggest, "But for now, we need to get you ready for your date with Kile." I hear a tiny giggle and I find that the source is Marlee.

Marlee and I have really gotten to know each other over the past few weeks. Her family, the Cass family, Celeste, and Amberly all have dinner together, and we spend the endless days in the women's room together.

Eadlyn and I walk up to her room and even though we have two hours, we start getting her ready to look perfect for her date with Kile. She doesn't know it yet, but I know she chooses as her husband. I decided early on that I'm not going to tell her. I don't want to mess with fate.

When we get to Eadlyn's room, Neena is already there. We tell her about our plan for her date, and the two of us start working. While Neena does Eadlyn's hair and makeup, I pick out her outfit.

"How do you want to feel?" I ask Eadlyn from her closet.

"Tonight, I want to feel like a princess," she replies and I find the perfect dress. It's a royal blue, floor-length gown with long, lace allusion sleeves, an open back, and a train behind it. I pair it with a pair of silver heels and I show the outfit to Eadlyn. She gasps, "It's amazing."

"I thought so," I praise myself and we put the finishing touches on her look.

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