Chapter Twenty-Four

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Eadlyn and I are the perfect team. By the next morning, Eadlyn and I have four dates planned, all with boys that she hasn't officially been out with, including Henri.

"Are you ready?" I ask Eadlyn as I do up her last button. Neena is out sick today, so I'm helping her pick out her outfit and hairstyle.

She straightens her back. "Yep."

For her two morning dates, we picked out a gauzy, tea length dress with off the shoulder sleeves. I pair it with plain black flats and open the door for her. "Don't have too much fun." She shakes her head as I give her a deep, slow curtsy and pulls me in for a hug when I rise up.

"Thank you, Elle, for everything."

"Anything for my best friend."

"I'll be in the movie theater." She starts out the door.

"Don't have too much fun!"


After Eadlyn leaves for her date I start to make my way downstairs to the library I'm meeting Kaden at. I'm turning a corner when I hear the faint sound of a scream. I stop in my tracks and try to find the origin as the screaming continues. I look around and see stairs. The movie theater. Eadlyn.

I bolt down the stairs, taking them multiple at a time. I'm at the bottom of the stairs when the screaming stops, and I sprint. Once I make it to the dark theater, I turn on the light switch and find Henri and a figure with hands tied behind their back and a bag over their head. Eadlyn.

My jaw drops when I realize what's going on, but I can't think of anything to say that could save her.

I start to run back down the hall to get help but Henri sprints across the theater, vaulting over recliners and tackles me down. "You're not going anywhere," he says as he fights me to the ground. I don't even have time to gasp at his suddenly perfect English.

When he stands me up and puts a gag on me, I see another person, thankfully not Erik, carrying Eadlyn out a disarmed emergency exit.

I kick at Henri and try to make a sound, but the cloth around my mouth constricts me. When Henri finally gets me out the door, he throws me in the back of a large van, slams the door shut, and the man I don't recognize rams on the gas as soon as Henri gets in the car.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Eadlyn squirming around, trying to say something. I slowly crawl over to her and pull the bag off her head. She shakes her head, eyes full of terror, and I silently untie her hands and mouth, and she does the same for mine.

We sit in the back with my head resting on her shoulder. She whispers to me, so quiet that I mostly read her lips. "I don't know what happened, one minute we were watching a movie, the next someone burst through the door and tied me up. I couldn't fight them both." A few tears escape her eyes.

"It isn't your fault, we'll figure this out."

"I can't believe I didn't bring any guards." More tears roll down her face. "I thought that I could trust him. And I didn't think I needed Erik there, since we were just watching a movie."

"I don't think Erik knew about it, he cares so much for you," I assure her.

I obviously wasn't quiet enough. "Hey! You two shut up!" Henri yells from the front.

Hearing Henri speak such perfect English startles me again.

"What do you want from us?" I yell, sitting up so that I can see them.

"Well," Henri says, turning back to me. "My plan was just to get Eadlyn, and get a nice ransom for her. But the crown princess and lady in waiting should get me a nice paycheck."

"You'll never get away with this." Eadlyn says with confidence.

"Oh, but my dear," Henri says menacingly, "I already have."

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