Chapter Four

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When I step out of the room, I'm greeted by wondering eyes of familiar people who see me as a stranger. I lower my eyes and Maxon leads Eadlyn and I back to his office to discuss our course of action.

"Alright Elle, tell me about this Kiera Cass," he commands.

"She's from my time, before the third and fourth world wars," I answer, "She has two kids, Zuzu and Guyden, and a husband, Calloway. I didn't see her kids or husband while I was there, but I'm sure they were around."

He rubs his chin and responds, "Elle and I will go with a group of guards to get them, and we'll bring them in the back door. Eadlyn, you'll send America into the women's room, along with Marlee and May. When we get her and her family, Elle and I will bring her in."

The next morning, Maxon and I are in a car driving into Angeles. We decide to bring Aspen, knowing that if something goes wrong, he'll be the best person to have, along with a few other guards. When we tell him that we're bringing back Celeste and Amberly, he keeps calm, but I can tell he's shocked.

We drive up to the house and guards knock on the door while we stay in the car. Kiera opens the door and invites the guards in, so we're free to go with them. We walk through the front door and Maxon immediately sees Amberly.

"Mom?" he whispers, not holding back his tears.

"Maxon," she embraces him and they stand in a sweet embrace, making up for lost time.

"It's been so long," he finally says.

"I know Maxon, but I'm not leaving again, I promise," she replies, stroking his hair.

Kiera walks up to me and gives me a hug. "You did good Elle, I knew you could do it," she praises.

"Mama are we leaving?" a girl asks.

"Yes Zuzu, go get Dad and brother," Kiera looks down at her little daughter. Zuzu scampers away to get the rest of her family.

After a minute, Maxon approaches me.

"How can I ever thank you?" he smiles.

"I thought maybe I could have a place to stay in the palace, and I will help you in any way that I can. I'll earn my keep, I promise."

"I'll see that it's done," he says shaking my hand, "I'm sorry that I didn't believe you at first."

I return his smile, "I don't blame you."

After a few minutes, Aspen announces that we should get back to the palace, so Kiera, her family, Amberly, Celeste, Maxon and I all pile into the large palace car. Once we get back to the palace, guards are there to open the front doors and a maid informs us that America, May, Marlee, Eadlyn, Magda and Lucy are sitting in the women's room having tea. Calloway, Zuzu, and Guyden are taken upstairs and the rest of us make our way down the hallway in the direction of the Women's Room.

Once we approach the door, Maxon takes a deep breath and peeps his head in. "May I come in?" he asks.

I can faintly hear America's voice, "Of course!" Maxon steps in, and Kiera and I walk in behind him and leave the door open an inch. We step out of the way of the door and America comes up to greet Kiera. Except that before she could make it all the way across the room, the door flings open.

"Newsome Library, huh?" Celeste says grandly, leaning against the door frame. America is too stunned to speak. Her legs collapse beneath her and Maxon keeps her from hitting the ground. Gasps erupt from around the room, and even the maids are in disbelief. America's eyes never leave Celeste until Amberly steps into the room. It's obvious that America is very overwhelmed and Celeste comes to comfort her.

"Is it really you?" she huffs between sobs.

"The one and only," Celeste laughs. Celeste pulls America to her feet and straightens her dress for her. Finally, Amberly crosses the room and embraces America.

"I knew it'd be you," Amberly comments. They let go of each other and America pulls herself together.

"Is this real?" America finally speaks. "It's been twenty years, thought you two were dead."

Amberly explains calmly, "They faked our deaths and pulled the two of us out of the room. They took us to Angeles until they realized we were useless, so they dumped us on the street. That's when Kiera took us in and told us about the books," Amberly says gesturing to Kiera. I know that she's telling a lie, avoiding the fact that Kiera is some sort of omniscient, ethereal being, or something. I haven't quite figured it out yet.

America puts her hand on her head and wobbles around until Maxon catches her from falling and sets her in a chair.

"Sit down, love," Maxon laughs.

"How long have you known about this?" America asks.

"It was Elle." Maxon gestures to me. "She had a note along with the books that gave us their location."

I walk closer to America and continue Maxon's thought, "It's true. Yesterday I was at the house, and that's when Kiera gave me the books."

America breathes heavily and replies, "How can I ever thank you?"

"She's already asked for the accommodations of the palace, and I believe she could be an asset here." Maxon answers America.

"If that's all you wish for," America says and stands up to embrace me.

Eadlyn crosses the room. "Grandmother?" she says looking at Amberly.

"My goodness. Yes, darling," Amberly replies through a steady stream of tears. They embrace each other, and then Eadlyn pulls away when she sees Celeste.

"So, you must be who I'm named after," Eadlyn laughs.

"Eadlyn Celeste Schreave, it's got a ring to it," Celeste says as she pulls Eadlyn in for a hug. I watch this unlikely family reunion from the corner, thinking about my own family. I wasn't very close to most of my family, except Anna and Gen. It's Gen I worry about the most. I wish she was here with me.

I've said in the past that I would drop everything and go to a fictional world. Let's see if I meant it.

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