Chapter Seventeen

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I keep walking, tears streaming down my face, and eventually find myself in the kitchen. When I see that it's empty, I lean against the wall, not holding back my sobs anymore.

"Elle?" I look up, immediately drying my tear-stained cheeks. But I just see Aspen. I haven't become as close with Aspen as others in the palace, but I run into him enough to be comfortable around him. "Are you okay?" He asks, stepping closer to me.

I laugh, one of the those laughs where you feel like everything is crumbling but there isn't really anything you can do. The tears keep spilling from my eyes and I manage to get out a "No."

He comes up to me, wrapping me in a hug. It's how I image someone with a good father would feel, safe and protected.

"Is it about your squabble with Josie?"

"Yeah, kind of." I continue to wet his shirt with my tears, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"I can't believe I got a security threat call from one of my guards about you." He manages to get a laugh out of me.

He pulls away to look at me. "Is there anything I do to help?"

I finally get control over my voice. "Could I... could I stay at your place for a while?"

He looks at me strangely. "I can't imagine anyone here would've kicked you out. America has had her fair share of fights."

"No, no, I just... I just need to get away for a bit. There's someone I'm trying to avoid."

He nods, understanding. "You're welcome to stay with us as long as you like."

"Thank you."

"You're in luck, I was just about to head home. I'll have to come back, but I'm sure Lucy will help you settle in."

I nod and we walk out the back door where he parks his car, and we drive into Angeles, where Aspen and Lucy live.

When we finally arrive, I see that their house is huge, and I'm guessing that's America and Maxon's fault. When we get inside, Aspen explains and Lucy welcomes me lovingly, showing me to their guest room, and gives me something to wear.

Eventually, Aspen goes back to the palace, and I help Lucy with the chores, something I hate to admit I've never done before. Patiently, Lucy shows me how to do everything, and I work hard to show her I'll earn my keep here. As I work with my hands, all I can think about is Kaden, and what I've gotten myself into.

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