Chapter Twenty-Five

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After a few hours, we arrive at what looks like a rundown rebel camp. The two of them step out of the car and talk to someone who looks like the leader of the camp.

"Adam, open up the back," Henri orders.

Eadlyn and I don't have time to react before Adam opens the trunk and shoves us out of the car.

As we step out, the grimy people around us cheer. I lace my hand with Eadlyn's as we're led to a small tent. As we pass people, they extend their dirty hands, brushing our arms and calling out to us.

"I see you've brought an extra," the leader of the camp says to Henri as they walk behind us.

"Can't hurt to get the price of two. She caught us as we were taking the Princess."

"Well done, Henri." The leader pats him on the shoulder.

They push us toward a tent, and as we enter, all we see is a few blankets and pillows scattered on the bare ground. "Your quarters, my ladies." the leader says through grimy teeth. "And if you even think about...."

"Ezio!" Henri calls from outside. "Jared needs you."

"Until then my ladies." Ezio gives us a sarcastic bow, and right as he leaves, Eadlyn breaks down.

"What if we never get home?" She sobs, "What if they can't pay the ransom?"

"Eadlyn look at me," I say, close to tears myself, "Your family are the smartest people I know, they'll figure it out."

"But how could I have trusted him?" She tries to dry her tears and save her makeup. "I set rules, and when I stretch them for what I thought was the nicest guy, the worst possible thing happens!"

"Eadlyn, there's no way you could have known. You aren't to blame for this."

"I know." She slows her breathing. "I know."

I wipe away the tears from her cheek. "Right now, we need to keep our wits about us. We have to protect each other."

As the night falls, Eadlyn and I are quiet, neither of us able to sleep with the sound of our growling stomachs.


In the morning, we're woken by Ezio, who pops his head through the door of the tent. "Rise and shine ladies," he says a little too enthusiastically. Eadlyn and I tentatively stand up, hold hands, and make our way outside.

Henri hands us each a bowl of oatmeal.

"I can't eat this," Eadlyn says, a disgusted look on her face.

Henri hears her, and flips around to face us. "Oh yeah, princess? Sorry it's not made by your personal chef!" He slaps her across the face, sending the bowl to the ground.

"Hey!" I yell, pushing Henri away. I send him teetering back, but it doesn't do much. He comes at me with full force, pushing me to the ground and pinning me down. I don't have time to fight back before he pulls out a knife and holds it to my throat.

"Around here, you take orders from me," he says furiously.

"Get off of her!" Eadlyn yells and runs toward me, but some of the rebels hold her back.

"Got that?" Henri asks, his cold blade still pressing into my skin.

I nod, choosing to keep my life over my pride. For a second, he lets me go, but then he turns back around and nicks my cheek with his knife, sending searing pain to my face and blood dripping down my cheek.

I put my hand up to my cheek, covering it in bright red blood.

"Let that be a lesson to you." Henri seethes before stomping away.

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