Chapter Thirty

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"Ahren..." Eadlyn says, taken back by the news.

"Wow." Maxon pushes his hair back with his hand. "I wasn't expecting this."

"Neither was I," Ahren lets out a heavy sigh.

"Ahren you've only been married for a few months..." Maxon is cut off by Celeste walking into the room with a glass of champagne in her hand.

"What's this I hear?" Celeste shoots Ahren a wink. I think Kiera may have given her some sort of super-hearing powers.

America holds Ahren's hands. "I'm happy for you, Ahren."

After a moment of silence Maxon gasps. "America, we're going to be grandparents."

"But I'm only nineteen! I'm not ready to be a father!" Ahren pushes his hair back in exasperation.

"Ahren," Eadlyn addresses him, "You've known for the longest that I didn't want to be queen, or even get married. I just wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted. But now I've realized that it's my calling. I've stepped up and faced my responsibilities, and I've found happiness in doing so. You just need to give it time."

"Wow," Ahren says with a calmer face, "Eadlyn, I'd never take you for one to give inspirational speeches."

Eadlyn rolls her eyes and smiles. "Whatever."

"Well, thanks. I feel a lot better."


After a few minutes, we're all back outside at the party and talking to all of the suitors. I notice Kaden and Ahren however, talking together on a bench, isolated from the crowd. I notice them glancing over at me every once in a while, but I eventually ignore it.

I stay by Eadlyn's side the rest of the time, and together we talk to all of the remaining suitors. We ask them why they should stay, what makes them good husband material, and other various questions. We're in the middle of a good conversation with Kile when we here a shriek.

We all look over in shock and we see Hale clutching his rear end upon sitting on a tack.

Eadlyn sighs, "Just Osten."

Seconds later, we see Osten blaze past us, only recognizable by his fiery red hair.

"Somebody's got to contain him," Kile laughs, his dusty blond hair flopping over his face.

"Oh stop, you taught him everything he knows." Eadlyn shakes her head at him. I look over at her and see an unmistakable glow in her eyes as she looks at Kile.

I smirk and she looks over at me, immediately elbowing me in the arm.

"What?" She whispers.

I look away teasingly. "Only time will tell."


Around four o'clock, Eadlyn and I throw off our heels and flop onto her bed. 

"So, have you decided who the Elite is going to be?" I ask Eadlyn, both of us still laying down on the bed.

"I think so, but I don't know if I should choose more," she says as she starts to sit up.

"How many were you thinking?" I ask tentatively.

She grits her teeth. "Four."

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, "Do you know who you want to marry?"

"Maybe?" She asks herself, "I don't know, how would that even work anyways? Would I propose to him?"

"I don't know. But if you're sure, I think you should go for it. It's unexpected, people will be surprised."

She takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'll announce it tomorrow."

"Finally." I sigh dramatically. "I'm ready to not have so many boys around."

She throws her head back onto her pillow in exasperation. "Me. Too."

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