Chapter Thirty-One

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The next morning, I'm in Eadlyn's room trying to cool her nerves. "You're going to do great," I assure her.

"I know, but the Elite is a big deal," she explains.

"And you're going to be perfect," I say while straightening out her blazer, "Remember, you're not afraid of anything."

She lets out a half-laugh. "Of course," she says sarcastically. "I haven't forgotten."

Once Neena finishes Eadlyn's makeup, we head downstairs to the great room.

We walk into the great room and it's almost completely empty. There's just the remaining thirteen boys all lined up in a row, and a small table in front of them.

"Are you ready, your Highness?" A staff member asks us as we enter the room.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Eadlyn takes a deep breath and steps up to the table.

Right as I walk up and stand by Kaden out of the camera's view, someone yells action and Eadlyn starts talking.

"Today I will be narrowing the selected down to the Elite," she says boldly as she walks back and forth down the line of boys. I see multiple of them gulp.

Eadlyn continues, "I can only choose one husband, and the Elite will bring me closer to finding the person who will rule by my side."

Someone brings out a bundle of roses and lays them out on the table. There are audible gasps when everyone realizes there are only four. The suitors look mortified.

She walks over to the table of roses and continues, "As you may have guessed, I have one rose for each member of the Elite."

She picks up the roses in her hands and continues to walk right in front of the boys. She stops in front of Ean and hands one rose to him, "Congratulations, Ean, you are now a member of the Elite." The smile on his face is uncontainable, and I see a small smile creep across Eadlyn's face as well.

She gives a rose to Fox and Hale as well, and as she walks in front of the boys with the last rose, the worry on Kile's face is undeniable.

Finally, she stops in front of Kile and hands him the last rose. "And you, Sir Kile, are the last member of the Elite."

A smile arises between the two of them and the chemistry is obvious. I squeeze Kaden's hand and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're all mine," I whisper to him. He stands behind me and wraps his arms wrap around me, resting his chin on top of my head.

After Eadlyn closes the broadcast, someone clears their throat, obviously directed to Kaden and I.

We both look over and Ahren is standing beside us.

"Kaden, do you want to talk for a minute?" Ahren asks, his tone a little less than gentle.

I feel Kaden's arms tense up, and he pulls away from me immediately. "Yeah, sure."

They start to walk out the door, and I make a very bad decision. After they close the door, I follow them out. I don't immediately see them, but I walk down the hall a little way until I hear their voices. I peek around the corner and see them, and quickly turn back to where I can hear them but they can't see me.

"Kaden you've got to understand me, this is a bad idea."

"Ahren you aren't listening! I'll be smart about it!"

The sound is almost frightening. I've never heard Kaden yell before.

"Kaden you're seventeen!"

"Almost eighteen."

"You're seventeen! You're way too young to be making decisions like this."

What decision?

"Ahren stop being a parent!"

"And what do Mom and Dad think of it?"

"They're in full support! They love her! Everyone in the family does! If you'd stop for a second to get to know her, you would too!"

Are they talking about me?

"I'm just trying to protect you man..."

"Protect me from what? And I don't need your protection, Ahren. I'm not a kid."

I hear footsteps coming toward me, and adrenaline jerks me from my intent listening. I open the nearest door to me and quietly duck into it, closing the door behind me.

I don't hear any voices as the footsteps pass, but when I think they're far enough away, I open the door and peek out, seeing Kaden and Ahren walking up the main staircase, still in heated discussion.

I watch as they go, my head swarming with questions, but mostly I'm thinking I may have missed a crucial part of their discussion.

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