Chapter Thirty-Five

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The next day goes by smoothly until Eadlyn and I are sentenced to socializing with America, Nicoletta, Francesca, and Valentina after dinner.

Eadlyn and I walk into the parlor with our arms linked, and when I see Valentina in the room, my whole body tenses. Luckily, Eadlyn realizes, squeezes my hand, and leads us to sit down next to America.

"It's so nice to meet you Elle," Valentina greet. I see through her front of civility right away.

"It's nice to meet you too," I speak through my teeth and avoid eye contact.

"Yes, Elle, it is great to have you here," Nicoletta says genuinely.

Eadlyn, Francesca, America, and Nicoletta make small talk for about an hour, with Valentina and I competing to occasionally add something in.

"Oh ladies," Nicoletta looks at her dainty watch, "We've got to get ready for the party."

Then I remember. Tonight, they're having a party with dancing, champagne, and worst of all, Kaden, Valentina and I all in the same room.

A couple hours later, we find ourselves in a giant room with the lights dimmed and music blasting.

After only a second, Hale comes and sweeps Eadlyn onto the dance floor, leaving me on my own.

I decide to walk over to the refreshment tables, but just I was about to go, I find his eyes. The beautiful blue eyes I fell in love with only a few months ago. All the sudden, the music stops, everyone else disappears, and time stands still.

I'm snapped out of my trance by Valentina lacing her arm through mine and pulling me to a corner of the room.

"What do you want?" I snap, pulling my arm out of hers without causing too much of a scene.

"Kaden is mine," she hisses.

"Excuse me?"

"I saw the way you were looking at him, and I don't like it."

"I can look at him however I want. He's my boy...friend." My breath hitches on the last word, but I don't take it back.

She sneers. "Oh really... because he seemed very happy to be alone with me in the parlor last night."

I roll my eyes. "You should stop pretending you're better than everyone, Valentina. It's embarrassing."

"All I'm saying is perhaps your boyfriend hasn't been as faithful as you think." She looks down at her perfectly manicured nails.

"Give it up Valentina, and stay away from Kaden."

"The only one who should be giving up is you. I've had my eyes on Kaden since we were young. We are going to be very happy together." She grabs my shoulder and digs her nails in painfully.

Then she just walks away.

Emotions stir up inside of me like a hurricane. Anger, sadness, and fear all course through my veins. Moving slowly, I walk towards the doors until I'm all the way out of the room, and then I run. I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't care. I find the nearest room and slam the door behind me.

Finally, I let myself crumble.

I sit in a chair and rest my head in my hands, letting my world fall apart.

After a minute or so, I hear the door creak open, and Kaden walks in.

I roll my eyes and scoff. "You're the last person I want to see right now."

"I know, I know." He tentatively kneels next to me. "I saw Valentina talking to you and I followed you out."

"With how much you've been avoiding me I would've thought you didn't notice."

"Elle you know I wouldn't..."

I scoff, tears streaming down my cheeks and shake my head in confusion. "But you did, Kaden!"

Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I let them fall. All of my anger converges in my chest, and I stand up, walking across the room and turning back around to face him. He stands up as well. "Kaden, you already know I've never done this before. I've never let anyone in as close as I let you. I've been so afraid of love, all my life, until I met you. When I met you, I dove head first into it and I didn't think twice. I told you things about me I'd never told anyone else and you told me sweet things and made promises that you obviously weren't willing to keep! Kaden... I get that he's your brother but you can't just bail without giving me an explanation! Do you even care?!"

"Of course I care, Elle!" He yells, and I look up to see tears rolling down his face. "The reason Ahren got so freaked out is because I told him I want to marry you!"

My eyes get wide and I hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"You... you want to marry me?"

Pain and fear are plastered on his face. "How could you not know? I've never felt the way I do around you before. And I know I'll never feel that way with anyone else. Valentina especially."

My words get stuck in my throat.

Kaden steps closer to me. "Look Elle, I'm so, so sorry. She means absolutely nothing to me, and you are my whole world." He speaks through tears, "Please forgive me. I should have stood my ground against Ahren. Whatever I need to do to gain your trust back, I'll do it in a heartbeat. I'll do it if it takes a thousand years if I must. I can't lose you."

I shake my head again, this time not at him, but at myself. I've felt the same pressure Kaden feels now. To do something, be something, and it feels like no one wants to hear what you want.

I move past him and sit in the chair again. "Kaden stop apologizing." I look into his eyes and he looks at me quizzically. "You're a prince, I've felt pressure from my family but never from the whole world." His expression changes to relief and after a few moments of looking into his eyes, all of my anger and confusion melts into peace. I remember coming home after fighting Josie, and how quick Kaden was to forgive. I remember sitting in a sun filled library with him, reading the day away together. I remember him coming to find me during the rebel attack and bringing me to the safe room, even at the risk of himself. I remember how intently he listens and how deeply he feels things. I look back into his eyes and see a boy, the boy I love, desperate to make his mistake right.

"You'll take me back then?" He asks through tears, kneeling in front of me, his hands on my legs.

I reach out for Kaden's hand, which he grabs. "Did I ever give you up?"

He laughs and pulls me in, arms wrapping tightly around me. With my chin resting on his head and his cheek on my neck, my heartbeat slows down and I take deep breath.

"Besides, I'm no good without you." Kaden whispers, still holding me tight.

We stay there for a minute, finally finding a moment of peace after the last few days of chaos.

"Am I just supposed to forget about you saying you want to marry me?" I ask.

He laughs slightly. "That's what I was hoping."

I pull back to look at him, and wipe away his tears with my fingers. "Hey." I smile. "Maybe I want to marry you too."

He smiles, little crinkles forming around his eyes, and wraps his arms around my waist, leaning into me. "I love you, Elle."

I lean down and kiss him. "I love you too."

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