Chapter Thirteen

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Before I open the door to my room, I take a second to compose myself. I'm doing great until I walk in and see Emily with an elated grin.

My red cheeks aren't easy to hide.

"How was it, Miss?" She walks toward me with a girlish intrigue.

I act as proper as I can. "Kaden was very kind."

She knows immediately that something is wrong. "What are you up too?"

I walk toward the closet, stalling. "Nothing. We just had a nice afternoon on the roof."

She follows me. "Oh, come on Elle, it's not hard to tell when someone has a crush."

"I've only know him for a few days!"

"It doesn't take long to realize someone is the love of your life."

I scoff. "That's jumping to conclusions a bit, isn't it?"

"Elle..." She smirks at me.

"It was just one date alright?"

She shakes her head, walking back into the bedroom, but she still talks to me. "He seemed very smitten when he brought the note for you by."

I smile involuntarily. "Did he?"


"Well that's his problem."


Tonight, I go to Eadlyn's room to talk to her. I knock on the door a few times and open it up. "Knock, knock," I say as I walk into Eadlyn's room.

"Come in," Eadlyn says as she puts down her book.

"Hey," I sigh as I sit on the end of her bed, "How was your day?"

"Mostly work, and planning that ball for the elimination," she groans, "All I've been able to come with is the date, next Saturday-"

We're interrupted by a knock at the door. "It's Genevieve."

"Come in," Eadlyn calls.

"Emily said you'd be in here," Gen says as she walks in and shuts the door behind her. "Did you tell her yet?" She comes and sits beside me excitedly.

"I didn't know if I was going to..." I shush her.

"Oh... sorry." Gen tries to hide her giddiness.

"Tell me what?" Eadlyn asks, playfully offended. "This is your future queen you're speaking to." Both Gen and I roll our eyes.

"Kaden and I hung out on the roof today."

"It was a date," Genevieve teases.

Before I have the chance to protest, Eadlyn gasps. "What? How did it go?"

"He was very sweet."

"I'm sure he was," Eadlyn says proudly.

Gen chimes in. "He was so sweet and nervous when he came and asked me to help him."

I don't want to admit it, but I feel special knowing Kaden was so concerned with making sure everything was perfect.

"I hope everything works out between you two." Eadlyn says.

"We're just friends."

A look passes between Eadlyn and Gen.

There's a moment of silence before I quickly change the topic off of my romantic life. "So, what are you planning for this party?" I ask.

She slumps her shoulders, "Honestly, I've got nothing."

We all sit thinking for a moment before a light bulb clicks in my head. "What if you did a masquerade ball?"

Eadlyn's eyes light up. "Elle that's a great idea!"

Excitement is plastered on Gen's face as well. "Masquerade balls are sooo romantic."

We talk it over for a few minutes, and then head to bed. After the eventful day, we all need it.


The next morning, I'm walking down the hallway and I hear a sound coming from one of the parlors. I follow it, and when I get closer, I hear someone playing the piano beautifully, the melody flowing through the room and out the hall.

When I peak in the door to see who's playing, I'm surprised to see that it's Kaden leaned over the keys playing passionately.

I stay leaned in the doorway, mesmerized by the sound and his movements. I'm put in a trance until the music stops and he looks over his shoulder right at me.

"Are you spying on me?" He says with a smirk.

My eyes go wide with embarrassment. "No, no! I was just... I heard the... I heard the music and I came to see who it was."

He stands up from the bench and approaches me. "My mom taught me. I kinda just play for fun."

"You play beautifully."

He blushes. "I don't usually play for an audience."

"What, your mom doesn't try to get you to play at parties?" I tease.

"Oh, she's tried. But I usually avoid parties unless I have a good reason to be there."

"Did you hear about the masquerade ball?"

"I did."

"Do you have a good reason to be in attendance to it?"

"Perhaps." He smirks, and unusually, I can't find anything to say. "Now unfortunately I have to be off, my father is expecting me."

"I'll see you around." I curtsy, and he gives me a bow and walks away down the corridor.

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