Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Come in," I call to the knock at my door. I set down my book and Eadlyn throws the door open and falls onto my bed. "What's up with you?"

"Is the party for narrowing the Elite finalized? I need it within a few hours for The Report."

"It's all ready to go. A nice relaxing tea party, your extended family is coming, and you'll all be able to have conversations with each of them."

"You're the best." She looks at me with appreciation.

I smile, pleased that I'm able to lighten her burden a little bit. "Your parents should have the script for tonight in the office."

"I'll go right now," Eadlyn assures as she stands up and heads toward the door, looking at her watch. "I need to be to dinner in an hour."

I stand up and open the door for her, "Then I'll see you in a few hours."

She smiles as she steps into the hallway. "See you then."


A few minutes before The Report starts, I step onto the set and sit by Kaden on the sidelines.

"Hey," I say as I sit down and slide my hand into his.

"Hey," he whispers and kisses the side of my head.

"Did you hear about Eadlyn narrowing it down to the Elite?" I ask just as the crew turns on the stage lights.

"I'm glad, hopefully it'll be safer for her. And you."

"I agree."

"I'll be glad when there's less than ten guys here." He settles back into his seat and faces the stage.

"Me too." I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder.

Right on time, the house lights dim and someone yells, gradually getting quieter, "And we're on the air in five, four, three, two..."

The Master of Events introduces the King, and Maxon stands up and takes his place at the podium.

He talks for what seems like eternity about the country's debt, foreign relations, and the current news. I blank out for most of it, but when he announces Eadlyn, I finally sit up a bit.

"As you all may know," Eadlyn starts as she takes her place at the podium, "One of the suitors, Sir Henri, kidnapped my lady-in-waiting and I. With this and the previous two assaults against me, I have had to come to a difficult decision."

I watch as the suitors look at each other with confused faces.

"I have decided to narrow it down to the Elite."

Gasps erupt amidst the crowd, and the faces of the suitors vary. Some of their faces flood with worry, while a handful of them look relieved.

After a moment of silence, Eadlyn continues, "I will be hosting a tea party in one week in the gardens to make my final decisions, and the suitors will be able to have one-on-one conversations with my family, friends, and myself. And now to you, Gavril."

Gavril steps up onto the stage as Eadlyn sits down next to her parents.

"Thank you, your Highness. That is quite an announcement." He turns to the suitors. "You boys should take into consideration that Princess Eadlyn is only keeping a few of you. If you want to stay, you need to make that known."

Gavril closes his speech and the cameras cut out. "And we're off!" someone yells. I squeeze Kaden's hand and walk over to Eadlyn.

"So, are you scared?" I ask her, grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Me?" She looks me in the eyes and puffs out her shoulders, "No. I'm Eadlyn Schreave, future queen of Illéa. I'm not scared of anything."

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