Chapter Eighteen

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A week passes, and I stay at Aspen and Lucy's house, occasionally going to the market for groceries. I told Lucy about Kaden, but I haven't gone back to the palace, and I haven't heard from anyone. Today, both Aspen and Lucy are at the palace, so I stay their house. It's almost eight o'clock, so they should be home any minute now.

Then, I hear an unexpected knock at the door. I go to open it, but no one's there. When I look down, I see a basket. I crouch down and look inside of it, and there's a baby, sleeping peacefully. What the heck? This is The Selection not Harry Potter. I find a note laying on the sleeping baby and I read it,

We can't take care of her, but hopefully you can. She was born the day before yesterday.

I put my hand over my mouth. Tears fill my eyes just thinking about the little baby. I take the small basket inside and set it in the living room. Then, I hear the door open, I run to the foyer and hand the note to Lucy. Her eyes start to water, and right on cue, the baby cries from the living room. Lucy sprints at the call and Aspen follows her. I walk in behind them and Lucy is already cradling the baby.

"Elle, how? When did this happen?" Aspen asks, dumbstruck. He's comforting the crying Lucy, kneeling on the ground.

"Just a few minutes ago, she was left on the front porch."

Aspen looks down at Lucy and kisses her.

"I never thought that this would happen." Lucy cries tears of joy.

"Why would someone leave her on your porch?" I ask.

"Whoever they were must know we're close with the royal family." Aspen sighs.

"Will you be able to keep her?"

"There'll be some legal stuff, but it shouldn't be too difficult."

I sigh as I look at them, a family. Lucy and Aspen looked overjoyed, and unafraid of what's to come.

"We're going to take care of you," Aspen whispers, looking down at his sweet new daughter.

That's what I want for myself. I want to be happy.

"I'm going back to the palace tomorrow," I announce.

Aspen looks up from his daughter at me. "I think that's a great idea Elle."

Aspen and Lucy decide to name the baby Eva Rose, and the three of us stay up late into the night taking care of her. Even though it's hard with the crying baby, I can tell that both Lucy and Aspen are completely content with the job. I can tell just by looking at them they've been ready to be parents for a long, long time.

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