Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Neena, this dress is beautiful." Eadlyn beams as she twirls around in a knee-length, yellow chiffon day dress.

"You did design it." She smiles. "Now I have to go help prepare the party. You've got the rest, Elle?"

"Of course."

"Thank you, Neena." Eadlyn acknowledges.

Neena curtsies and leaves the room, and only a few minutes later, a knock comes at the door as we're picking out Eadlyn's shoes.

"I wonder who that could be," Eadlyn whispers as we peek our heads out the closet.

"I'll stay in here," I say as Eadlyn walks out.

As I continue choosing a pair of shoes, I hear Eadlyn and the person talk in muffled voices.

"Erik," Eadlyn gasps.


"Eadlyn, I can explain," he pleads.

"I don't know if I want to hear it." I can hear her choking up. "Erik, I trusted you, even liked you. I can't believe I was such an idiot."

"I swear on my life I didn't know," he begins to choke up himself, "Eadlyn, I love you."

"Erik, I don't feel the same way about you, but we both know that this could never work. You weren't selected."

"I know," he sighs. "I'll leave, thanks for everything Eadlyn. I hope you find the person you're looking for."

"Me too."

I hear the door shut and Eadlyn opens the closet door.

"Elle, I...I..." she stutters and starts to cry.

"I know, I know." I try to soothe her, "You can't cry now, we have to get to the party."

Just like magic, Eadlyn straightens her back, soothes her dress, and cleans up her tears.

"Then let's go."


The November air is still warm and the day is bright and sunny. Eadlyn is already out in the gardens, and as I walk down the stairs to go outside, I see Kaden.

"Hey you." I sneak up and grab his arm.

"Hey." He grins when he sees me. "I know we're supposed to be talking to the boys, but do you want to take a stroll?"

"Of course." I link my arm in his and we walk back into the gardens.

We walk down the paved path until we come to a bed of flowers. Kaden bends down, plucks one, and hands it to me.

"For you, my lady."

I smile and take it from his hand, placing it behind his ear. Then I kiss his cheek.

He laughs. "I'll cherish it forever."

We do a loop around the gardens, and finally come back to the party. That's when we see someone come out the glass doors.

"Is that?"

"Ahren." We jog over to him.

"Kaden!" Ahren yells, immediately throwing his arms around his brother. They crash into each other, laughing and patting each other's backs.

"Ahren, you literally gave mom a heart attack."

"Well if I'd known that would happen! It can't be entirely my fault, it was probably you who strained her heart in the first place."

Kaden scoffs. "Not true. I'm the angel child and everyone knows it."

"Yeah right. You just got out of everything by telling on me."

After their banter, Kaden's expression gets a little more serious. "I was really scared, Ahren. I thought she was going to die."

Ahren squeezes Kaden's arm. "I should have come back right away. But I was scared of what they would think of me."

"Just because you ran away to get married doesn't mean you're not still our family."

Ahren pulls Kaden in for another bear hug. "I missed you man."

Kaden hugs him back. "I missed you too."

Once they pull away, Kaden looks back to me. "Ahren, this is my girlfriend, Elle."

"I guess things have changed a lot since I left." Ahren holds his hand out to me, which I shake. "It's good to meet you, Elle."

"Yeah, you could say that." Kaden replies. "Where's Camille?"

He puts his hands in his pockets. "She couldn't make it."

"I'm glad you're here though." Kaden grabs Ahren's shoulder lovingly.

Then I hear Maxon, America and Eadlyn come up behind us.

"Ahren," America gasps and embraces him and Maxon follows.

"Let's go inside," Ahren suggests and we all walk through the glass doors to the base of the grand staircase.

"What were you thinking?" Eadlyn says angrily.

"Eadlyn," America starts to scold.

"Eadlyn, I'm sorry," Ahren apologizes.

"You left me here with no goodbye, no invitation to your wedding. You literally gave mom a heart attack!"

"Eadlyn..." he begs her.

"I just can't..." she whispers and starts to walk away.

She's about to make a run for it when Ahren grabs her by the hand, turns her around, and pulls her close to him.

"Eadlyn I'm sorry," he apologizes again. "But I love Camille, and I want to be with her. I was afraid that you would pull us apart."

"I'm sorry I held you back," she whispers as she pulls away.

"Well..." Ahren says as they both start walking back to us, "I have something to announce, but we haven't made it public yet, so I'd like your discretion."

Ahren takes a long breath. "What is it?" Maxon asks.

"Camille is pregnant."

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