Chapter Sixteen

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A few minutes later, I'm in a hospital bed, being examined by one of the nurses. Josie is on the other side of the hospital wing with the curtain pulled around so that I can't see her. After the nurse says I'm fine and gives me an ice pack, she leaves America and I alone.

"You know, I've been in this predicament before."

I laugh, "Celeste?"

"And look at us now," she replies. "My question is, what was that all about?" she asks.

I bite my lip, staying silent.

She eyes me down, "Come on Elle, I'm not blind. I see the way you look at Kaden, and the way he looks at you. I'll tell you now, it's something I've never seen in him before. I only know what it is because I saw the exact same thing in Maxon's eyes twenty years ago when he looked at me. I just didn't know it at the time."

Seeing her point, I huff in defeat. "So... I sort of maybe like Kaden. It's nothing serious, we're just... interested," America smirks in triumph. "So when I saw Josie flirting with him, I got might have gotten jealous."

America tries to stifle a laugh, "Might have, well, just know that you aren't in trouble, but I'd advise you not to pull anything like that again. Like it or not, we have an image to uphold here."

I look down. "It wasn't just about Kaden though... That's how it started but... she insulted my sister."

Her face softens. "Oh. That is an honorable cause."

All I can do is nod, tearing pricking my eyes.

"Elle, I would do the same thing," She touches my hand, "You're forgiven, but now I need to go deal with the press that may have recorded that. I'll be back soon to check on you." America stands up. "Oh, and Elle, about Kaden, you have my blessing." She smirks.

I roll my eyes. "We're not getting married!"

"We'll see." She raises her eyebrows and struts out of the hospital wing.

It's only a few minutes later that Kaden walks in. He doesn't even glance at Josie as he passes by and makes his way down to my end of the hospital wing. As he approaches me, I can read the anger and frustration in his face. The way his eyebrows are scrunched and the corner of his mouth are settled tells me I screwed up. Big time.

"What were you thinking?" he asks as he puts his hands to his face.

"Are you angry with me?"

He sighs in frustration. "Yes, I'm a little angry. You fought Josie in the middle of an event!"

"She was flirting with you! Her hands were all over you!" It's then that I realize Kaden and I aren't dating. It's not like I'm the only one who's allowed to flirt with him. It's too late though, I'm in too deep now.

"You fought her because she was flirting with me?" He's careful to keep is voice down. "Josie's been doing that since we were kids. It doesn't mean anything to me! She's fifteen, did you really think that I'd be interested in her? Not only that but you had to go about it where cameras were present for Eadlyn's party."

I wrap my arms around myself in self-comfort. "That's not the only reason I fought her." I say quietly.

"Really? What was the other reason? She was sitting in your favorite chair in the Women's Room?"

"She insulted Genevieve." I say firmly, losing my patience with him.

"Oh." Kaden bites his lip, obviously embarrassed by his assumption.

The guilt does start to settle in though, and I think about having to face Eadlyn later today. I essentially beat up her cousin in the middle of her event.

Yes Josie said something mean about Gen, but she's mostly harmless. I could've walked away, but I chose to let my anger get the best of me and make a scene.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry Kaden, it wasn't right of me. I just- I just..." A sinking feeling comes over me and twists a knot in my stomach. Maybe I just don't fit in here. Maybe I'm not meant to live in the palace.

"I should just go." I try to steady my shaking voice. "I'll just get out of your hair, I'm not cut out to live here." I get up from the bed and start walking out.

"Wait, Elle..." Kaden's voice softens. He stands up and follows me out of the curtains around the bed.

I walk as fast as I can out the door and don't look back.

I try to cry, but the tears refuse to come. My feet feel like lead as I run down the marble hallway. A new feeling adds another layer to my panic: worry. Where am I supposed to go? Thoughts flood my mind of the people I love the most, disappointed and angry with me. I need to find a place to stay outside the palace.

I think about Genevieve, and if I should bring her with me. No, that would be even more selfish. Genevieve loves it here, and she fits in perfectly. I need to go on my own, at least for a while.

I think of Eadlyn, and my duties as her lady-in-waiting, and the help she'll need during something as stressful as the selection. She'll find someone else for the time being, someone much more qualified than me.

I walk through the palace with uncertainty, trying to figure out what to do before I make a fool of myself.

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