Chapter Nine

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The next day, Eadlyn is busy with Maxon, so I read all morning. Considering the amount of books in the palace, I decided once I had settled in, I'd start reading my way through the vast collection. Once I finish my latest book, I decide I should take all the books I've been hoarding back to the library.

With my armful of books, I walk down the hall when I turn a corner and all the sudden, I clumsily run right into someone. As the books cascade to the floor, the stranger and I bend down to pick them up. When we have all the books gathered, we both stand up. When we finally meet eyes, I realize this isn't just any stranger wandering the palace. It's Kaden Schreave, Prince of Illèa.

(Note: For the purpose of the story, Kaden is seventeen, but this is still happening at the same time as The Heir/The Crown. Remember, this is an AU.)

"Sorry about that." I look to the floor, my cheeks feeling warm.

"The fault is mine. Are you alright?" I immediately notice his blue eyes, soft and genuine.

I shake my head. "Of course, no harm was done."

"Where are you going with so many books?"

"To the library. My sister will have my head if I don't return them."

He laughs, and then his eyes light up. "You're the girl who found my grandmother, right?" he asks.

"That would be me." I look up at him and chuckle a little.

"I feel terrible, I haven't properly introduced myself," he admits with a silly grimace.

"Well, I'm Elle."

"Elle." He smiles, seeming pleased with the sound of my name. "I'm Kaden."

"I know that," I tease.

He eyes me mischievously, looking like he finally found a match for his wits. "I have to be going Elle, but perhaps we'll meet again."


He looks at the books in his arms. "Oh, these are yours." He gives me the books, our hands grazing each other. Then he gives me a deep bow, and leaves.

I continue on to the library, thinking about the encounter. Kaden seems nice.

With one hand balancing the books, I push the door open to the library. I see Genevieve sitting at a desk, and when she looks up from her book and sees me, her face lights up with a smile.

"How is your first day of work going?" I ask.

"Amazing!" She enthuses and takes my books from my hands, setting them on her desk. "Look at the size of this place."

I smile at her excitement. "I'm glad you like it."

"How was your day?" She sits up. "You look a little flustered."

"Flustered? I'm not flustered."

She rolls her eyes. "What happened Elle?"

"Nothing of much importance. I mean I just ran right into Kaden in the hall and dropped all my books."

Gen grins mischievously. "You're blushing."

I throw my hands in the air. "Because it was embarrassing!"

"Alright, sorry. Didn't know you had a sensitive spot for Kaden Schreave."

I shove her playfully. "Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

Her mouth gapes. "Now you want to keep it a secret?"

"Just promise okay?"

She sighs and holds out her pinky. "I promise."

I lock my pinky with hers. "You're the best."

She winks. "I know."

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