Chapter Twenty-Six

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With all the commotion, Henri grabs us  from behind and we both try to writhe free of his grasp. "Let us go!" I yell, but he pulls us back.

In an instant, I see Aspen. "Aspen!" I scream as loud as my lungs can manage. His eyes lock with mine and he runs towards us and pulls out his gun.

When Aspen is only twenty feet away from us, Henri pulls out his knife, hovering it over both of our necks. "You haven't paid us our ransom!"

"We're taking them home, and there will be no ransom paid." Aspen responds forcefully.

"Then they both die!"

Aspen shakes his head. "Not on my watch."

Abruptly, I hear a gun shot from behind us and Henri collapses to the ground. Eadlyn and I turn around and we see Officer Avrey behind us. With all of the disarray around us, we don't have time to react. Eadlyn and I both run towards Aspen.

"My ladies, we need to go," Aspen says as he blocks us from attack as he leads us towards the cars. "I've been given direct orders to bring you home immediately."

Palace guards are scattered throughout the camp, fighting off the rebels so that we can make our escape. When we get down the hill, we scramble into Aspen's truck to find Celeste waiting for us.

"Oh girls, thank goodness." Celeste hugs us as we get our seat belts on and Aspen speeds down the road. She pulls out a first aid kit. "Both of you are hurt." She bandages the cut on my face and gives both Eadlyn and I ice packs.

A few hours later, the clock in the car says that it's one o'clock in the morning and we're pulling up to the palace. "We better get you in quickly, everyone is worried sick." Aspen ushers us out of the car and we walk up the stairs. I feel an overwhelming relief being back home, and then I'm hit with a wave of emotion at the thought. Yes, this place is home.

Aspen opens the front door for us, and immediately as we walk in, America and Maxon run to Eadlyn, embracing her in their arms.

"Eadlyn," America sobs, "We're so sorry."

A second later, Genevieve crashes into me. "You really can't keep yourself out of trouble, can you?" She sobs.

"I'm okay, Gen. I'm okay."

She pulls away looking at me. "Your face is all red and purple."

"Nothing that won't heal with time."

Once she sees I'm okay, she steps away to check on Eadlyn.

A few moments after she walks away, I hear someone running toward me. I turn and see Kaden, eyes filled with relief, and then fear when he sees the bruises and bandage on my face. The next moment, his arms are wrapped tightly around me, like if he lets go, I would disappear again.

"Kaden," I gasp, clutching onto him.

"You're alive, you're alive," he reassures himself, his voice shaking. "I was so scared I'd never see you again." After hearing the sound of his raspy voice, I'm immediately overcome with tears. He pulls back and looks at me, his hand on my chin. His tear-filled eyes go to the cut on one of my cheeks and the bruise on the other. "You're hurt." He manages to keep a gentle expression, even though I can tell he's angry.

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