Chapter Thirty-Four

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Around midnight, my eyes get droopy and I head back downstairs and climb into bed.

"Where have you been?" Eadlyn whispers groggily.

"I don't really want to talk about," I reply and roll over so that I face away from her.

She sits up. "Then we obviously need to talk about it." She stands up and pulls the covers off me and drags me out onto the balcony adjacent to our room. "So, what's this all about?" She asks as we breath in the warm Italian air.

"Kaden," I look down at my feet, "I found him with Valentina." I try my best to hold in the tears, but a few silently roll down my cheek.

"That son of a..." she looks disgusted, but I cut her off.

"Stop, stop, you're too much like May."

"But why?" She sounds outraged, "That sounds nothing like him."

I sigh, shaking my head. "I don't know. I just hate thinking about them together." I shiver.

"Doesn't matter." Eadlyn opens the balcony doors and crosses the room. "He needs to be put in his place." She opens to door and steps into the hall, and I can't help but follow.

When we find Kaden's door, Eadlyn pretty much breaks into his room.

"KADEN MICAH SCHREAVE EXPLAIN YOURSELF," Eadlyn yells just loud enough for Kaden and I to hear, but with a force that makes Kaden shudder.

"May I speak to Elle alone?" He gulps.

Eadlyn looks back at me, and I nod. "As you wish," She says and closes the door when she steps into the hall.

Immediately I turn my wide eyes to him. "Kaden tell me what's going on! I thought I knew you but it feels like every minute I understand less and less."

"Elle, I'm sorry."

"I know you're sorry!" I yell, stepping closer to him. "Just tell me what's happening!"

"I told Ahren that I... I told him how close you and I are and he said I should come to France with him to 'get some space'. I care too much about what he thinks of me that I didn't tell him I don't want to. Then he told my dad about it and he thought it was a good idea so I didn't tell them no. Then Ahren said I should tell you we can't be together while I'd be gone but I didn't have the spine to tell you something I don't mean right to your face so I sent that stupid letter." He buries his face in his hands and sits on the bed. "I hope you know I didn't mean any of that, except you being my best friend of course." He aggressively pulls his fingers through his hair. "And then since we came here, I've felt so guilty. I want more than anything to be with you, and I can't handle the thought of you hurting because of me. I just don't want my brother to be mad at me."

I understand him completely. Trying to impress your family is hard, but that doesn't explain Valentina.

Kaden continues, "I heard my parents talking about how relations with Italy have been getting strained. My dad told me to make friends while I'm here. I've known Valentina since we were kids so I was nice to her. She said she had something she wanted to show me, and that's when she took me to the parlor and she came onto me and I froze. It really had only been going on for one second when you saw us. I didn't even have time to push her away. I'm so sorry Elle. I'm so stupid."

His beautiful blue eyes meet mine, and I find it hard to break his gaze.

"Kaden, you're the person in this world I trust the most." A hopeful glint appears in his tear-filled eyes. "I believe you that you weren't intentionally with Valentina."

My face goes to my hands as I hold back sobs. "It's just too much for two days. Seeing you with her... I just need some time to think."

I stand up and walk to the door.

"Wait, Elle." He follows me. "What about us?"

I turn back to him. "I don't know Kaden! What about us? You're the one who broke up with me!"

"Elle," he sobs.

I open the door, and out of the corner of my eye I see Kaden's devastated face and I feel my heart twinge.

I shake my head walking out into the hallway and closing the door behind me.

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