Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next morning after breakfast, I'm sitting in a plush chair in Eadlyn's room while she sits at her desk doing paper work. On my lap, I have a drawing book open, making light sketches of dress designs, something Eadlyn told me I should try. We sit doing our separate tasks, just enjoying each other's presence and making light conversation.

"Did you have any other siblings?" Eadlyn asks curiously.

"Yeah, five of them."

"Do you miss them? Because I miss Ahren sometimes more than I can bear."

"At times, yes." I set down my pencil. "Most of my siblings and I weren't very close, but they're still my siblings, you know?"

"At least you have Genevieve."

"Yeah. We got really close after my older sister moved out."

"What's her name?"

"Annabelle. But I always called her Anna. She's twenty, and she left right after high school. She wanted to get out as soon as possible."

"Why was your family so strained? If... you don't mind me asking."

"It's okay," I reply, "My parents were rarely there because of their jobs, and they were both very... materialistic. They wanted the best for us, but I think that mostly translated to wanting us to be rich like them. Anna decided she wanted to be in the Peace Corps, which is a non-profit foreign aid organization. My parents didn't approve, but she left anyways. I think it was the 'non-profit' part that bothered them the most. They want Anna to be successful, but I think they all have different views of what 'successful' means."

"They sound like difficult people."

I let out a single laugh. "That's an understatement. But they were trying their best."

Eadlyn smiles sympathetically, and we both go back to sitting in a peaceful silence.

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