Chapter Thirty-Two

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After a few hours, I make my way to the Women's Room. I've only been sitting for a few minutes when a maid walks up to me, handing me a letter a bit reluctantly. . I sit down on the couch,  suspiciously open the letter and start reading:


You're my best friend. There's no one I care about more than you, but it has been brought to my attention that we are young. I think we're moving too quickly for our age and that we should step back to get a view of what we both want. I think we need some time apart. It would be for the best.


I shake my head multiple times, reading the letter over and over, making sure I read it right. Without thinking, I get up from my chair, head still buried in the letter as I leave the Women's Room. Once I get to my room, I slam the door behind me.

"Miss?" Emily asks, popping her head out the bathroom door.

I spin around with my hands on my head. "It has to be a joke."

This must be what Ahren was talking to Kaden about, he wants us to break up. No, it can't be, it must be some girlfriend-of-my-brother initiation hazing. It has to be.

"What's a joke?" Emily asks with concern.

Part of me wants to believe it isn't serious, but after overhearing their conversation, the other part of me knows Ahren doesn't want Kaden and I to be together.

"I think Kaden just broke up with me."

Emily looks just as confused as me. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know." I fall onto my bed and set the letter down, putting my face in my hands.

Why would Kaden agree to this? It was only a week ago that we told each other we love each other, and now he decides to break up with me via letter?

After only a minute, Eadlyn peeks her head through my door. When she opens the door all the way, she reveals America, Marlee, Celeste, Amberly, and Kiera all standing in the doorway.

"Are you okay?" Eadlyn asks as she approaches me. "What was in the letter?"

I hand it to her and she scans it. "Kaden broke up with me." I say and all the other women file in.

All of the girls file into the room and sit on the bed with me. America rubs my back comfortingly.

America shakes her head. "He's going to be in so much trouble."

"I'm sorry Elle." Marlee touches my knee.

Only a second later, May bursts into the room. "I came as fast as I could," she says, panting.

"Aunt May?" Eadlyn questioning how comically fast May arrived in the face of boy troubles.

"I came so I could stay while you're in Italy, and a maid told me what happened."

My eyes go wide. "We're going to Italy?"

Eadlyn gasps. "With everything going on with the Elite, I forgot to tell you this morning."

"We're leaving tomorrow." America explains.

"Tomorrow?" I groan and put my face in my hands. This is too much for one day.

"And he decided to do it via letter sent by maid." I completely bury my head in my arms, leaning onto my legs.

May shakes her head. "That son of a..."

"May..." America cuts her off.

"Ames," she says sarcastically, "Son of an Ames I was going to say. It's a classic Ames move. Singers don't know how to deal with love."

"Hey..." America narrows her eyes teasingly at May.

America rubs my back, and the other girls offer words of encouragement. I'm glad for all of their support, but I can't sit here and accept this. Anger starts to boil inside of me. What about all the things Kaden has said to me, the sweet words and bold promises. Is he forgetting about those?

"Something's wrong." I stand up and snatch the letter from May. "He's not getting off with just a letter."

"Go get him babe." Celeste pats my back encouragingly.

Once I get out the door, I walk determinately down the corridor, the letter swinging in my hand. There's going to be an explanation for this.

I get to Kaden's door quickly and put my hand up to the door and knock. It takes a moment, but eventually I hear footsteps. My heart pounds in my ears as the footsteps get closer and the door handle finally turns.

The door swings open and Kaden is standing in front of me.


I wave the letter up. "What is this about?" I look up to his face, and his eyes are red and puffy. "Have you been crying?"

"Elle I'm sorry..."

"Are you just calling it off? For what? Does 'I love you' mean nothing to you? Because it means a lot to me and I don't just throw it around to anyone."

"Elle I do mean it I promise I mean it... I just... Ahren wants me to come back to France with him."

I shake my head. "That's why you broke up with me? Are you going to France permanently?"

His voice gets shaky. "No, not forever but for a while." His face gets red and scrunched, the way it does when you're trying not to cry.

I slow down my breathing and soften my expression. Something bigger is going on. "Kaden... Are you okay?"

A tear falls down his cheek, and I reach for his hand but before I grab it a voice calls out.

"Hey Kaden!" It's Ahren.

I turn back to him, speaking quickly. "Kaden, I heard you two talking in the hallway earlier. What is Ahren talking about protecting you?"

Kaden looks back to me quickly. "Elle I have to go. I'm sorry."

"What?" I shake my head again and he looks at me with a pained expression.

Ahren gets to us, stepping between Kaden and I.

"I'm guessing this was your idea?" I wave the letter in front of Ahren.

"Look Elle, if you're nothing without Kaden, you probably don't belong here."

My head starts to pound. "I'll have you know Ahren, I'm also the lady-in-waiting, not just 'Kaden's girlfriend'."

Ahren sighs. "Well now you'll have more time to focus on your duties."

I shake my head and squint my eyes at him. How could he be so unfeeling? Wasn't it him who just recently ran away to France to be with the person he loves?

"I hope this is what you wanted." I spit at him, and having nothing else to say, I reluctantly walk away.

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