Chapter Fourteen

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The next few days go by in a flash. Emily and I planned my dress for the ball. It's a forest green ball gown with a lacy bodice, satin skirt and off-the-shoulder sleeves. The mask is the same color as the dress with gold accents and ties with a gold ribbon.

The day of the ball finally comes, and I'm jittery. "I hope I get to dance with Kaden," I confess to Emily as she gets me ready.

"Really? I thought you weren't rushing into anything?" She smirks while pushing pins into my hair.

I roll my eyes, knowing she'll never let that go. "I just want to dance with him okay?"

"I'm sure you'll have the chance," she giggles and finishes getting my hair in place.

I meet up with Gen to go downstairs, and when she comes out of her room, I see her dress. It's navy blue tulle with floral accents of all different colors. She also has on her mask, which is covered in flowers. "Gen, you look gorgeous."

"You do too, Elle. Your dress is incredible."

"You should be thanking Emily." I say, twirling around.

She laughs. "I'll be sure to do that."

Together we walk down the stairs and into the Great Room, where the lights are turned down low and everyone is in ball gowns and masks. Classical musicians play in the corner, rounding off the enchanting aurora of the room. Almost immediately, Gen runs off to a friend she made who also works at the palace. I look over and see Eadlyn talking with her suitors, already knowing she'll be busy with boys tonight. I sigh and wonder where Kaden is. I take a quick look around and see everyone with their masks on. How am I supposed to find him if I can't see his face?

For about an hour, I wander around the Great Room alone. Occasionally making conversation with those around me, but I don't find Kaden. I decide to take one last sweep of the room to try and find Kaden, but before I can, my eyes lock with eyes that are an unmistakable shade of blue. Those are definitely his eyes.

We make our way toward each other, eyes locked in a soft gaze. When he reaches me, he holds out his hand. "Would you care to dance, stranger?"

I smile softly. "I'd love to." I take his hand. Letting him lead me onto the dance floor. All I can think about is how soft his hand is, and how well it fits in mine.

"I'll warn you," I say shakily, "I don't know how to dance."

He smiles. "It's okay, I'll teach you." He takes my left hand and puts it on his shoulder, and then puts his hand on my waist.

For the next few minutes, he leads me through the waltz, patient and forgiving when I step on his toes. Throughout the dance, I feel the space between us closing ever so slightly, both of us subconsciously pulling toward one another.

Kaden looks at me intently, a look of wonder dancing in his eyes. "You look beautiful."

I blush. "You don't look so bad yourself."

When the dance is over, we stop and he kisses my hand gently. "Thank you, my lady."

My cheeks turn a deep shade of pink, but I don't turn away. "You don't think I'll be put in the dungeon for stepping on your toes, do you?"

"Don't worry, I'll pardon you."

We walk to the side of the room as the next dance starts, hands still entwined.

The next moment, Maxon and America are in front of us.

We quickly pull our hands apart.

"Are you two enjoying yourselves?" Maxon asks.

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