Chapter Eight

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"I think I'm ready," Eadlyn says, practically shaking. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

"Just in time," Neena says as she approaches the door. I give Eadlyn a quick hug and a good luck and hide behind the closet door where Kile can't see me. Neena opens the door and steps to the side.

"Are you ready?" Kile asks Eadlyn.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she blushes and they step out the door. I specially planned Eadlyn's date with Kile to be extra romantic. Cameras will be there to capture them walking around the garden, and then they will step into a hidden garden to have dinner. It will be perfect.

Neena and I hold onto each other. "You're pulling for him too?" I ask.

"Of course!" she says excitedly, "They're perfect for each other!" We both sigh at the thought and wait patiently for her date to be over.

I go to dinner with the Woodworks, the Cass', Celeste, Amberly, May, and Magda. Ever since Amberly has come here, she spends a lot of time with Osten, when she can find him. I know that she's always wanted more children, so I imagine that having grandchildren has made her overjoyed.

After dinner, I go back to Eadlyn's room to wait with Neena and my maid, Emily. We play card games and gossip for what seems like an eternity, anxiously waiting for Eadlyn to return.

Finally, Eadlyn walks through the door. All three of us jump up immediately.

Eadlyn stands there silently, but finally she can't contain herself. She breaks out into a grin. "We kissed!" She says.

All of us squeal and for more details.

"It was so magical," Eadlyn sighs, falling onto the bed, "You did a great job Elle."

I give my hair a flip and laugh, "I do my best."

We all laugh and Emily and I go back to my room to get ready for bed. Once I'm ready, I go back to Eadlyn's room. We decided to start a nightly tradition where the two of us to talk before bed. We both jump when there's a knock on the door, "Eadlyn? It's me," a mysterious voice says through the door.

Eadlyn silently gasps and then whispers, "It's Kile."

I mouth to her, "I'll hide."

Eadlyn nods and says to Kile, "Just a second." Eadlyn pulls on her robe and I hide in the closet with the door cracked open just a little bit. Eadlyn finally opens the door for Kile and he walks in.

"I just wanted to thank you for the date tonight," he thanks her.

Eadlyn shrugs, "I really owe it to my lady in waiting, Elle. She planned it all."

"I don't think I've met her," Kile tilts his head.

"She's the girl who found Celeste and my grandmother," Eadlyn answers.

"Oh of course, I know who she is," Kile jokes, "She's the one taking my place at family dinners."

Eadlyn giggles and Kile joins in. Then, Eadlyn kisses Kile. I turn my eyes away and face towards the bathroom. I hear them talk in whispers and when I hear the door close shut, I walk out of the closet.

Eadlyn falls onto her bed and gives a big sigh. "I think I might be in love," she confesses.

"That's not a bad thing," I assure, "You want to be married by the end of this, don't you?"

"Well yeah," she says, "But I've never really been in love before."

"Neither have I," I laugh, "You're on your own with that one."

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