Chapter Nineteen

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The next evening, I'm at the palace and about to make my grand entrance through the front doors. When Aspen walks me in, Eadlyn is by the Women's Room talking to Kile. "Elle!" she yells when she sees me and runs to give me a hug. "Elle, we didn't know where you'd went."

"I'm sorry for doing that at your party, that was so selfish of me," I apologize.

She laughs lightly. "It's forgiven, and trust me Elle, I don't blame you."

"So... you didn't replace me?"

She looks at me quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"You didn't get a new lady-in-waiting while I was gone?"

She laughs, holding my arms tighter. "You're my best friend, Elle. I wouldn't think of it." I smile and pull her in for another hug.

Just then Marlee and America walk out of the Women's Room. I pull away from Eadlyn and America grabs my shoulders gently. "You can't run off like that dear, we were worried about you."

Then Marlee approaches me. "Sorry," I mumble, embarrassed about my interlude with Josie.

"You're fine dear," she says, squeezing my hand. "Josie has a lot of maturing to do. We've had many long discussions with her while you've been gone."

I nod. "I don't have any hard feelings toward her."

Marlee smiles. "You're very kind, Elle."

After a minute I make my way up to my room, anxious to be back. Before I can get to my door, however, Genevieve opens hers.

"Elle!" She runs at me, enveloping me in a hug. "I was so scared when no one could find you."

"I'm sorry, I should've told you where I was going. I just thought you'd want to stay, since you seem so happy here."

"I'm happy wherever you are."

I hug her again. "I'm back now, and I won't be leaving again."

"Good. Now I'll see you at dinner."

We part ways into our separate rooms, and when I open my door, Emily is already there.

"Oh, miss!" she yells, pulling me in for a hug. "It's been so dull here without you."

"I've missed you too." I hug her tighter.

"Oh, before I forget," she says pulling away. "These are from a certain someone. They've been on the bed since yesterday evening." She winks and hands me a series of letters tied in a silver bow. When I see "From Kaden" written all over them, I immediately begin to read them.

Sunday 7:45 p.m.


General Leger came a little while ago and said you were with him, and I'm just happy you're safe.
When you left a few hours ago, I was still mad at you, but it doesn't feel right. Maybe writing these letters will provide some insight. If things are ever going to work out between us, we must learn to get past our differences and focus on what matters. Although it may not have been the best choice, I can see why you would jump at Josie. We're all a little impulsive over the things we care about, even me. Josie has just always been annoying so I've learned to tune it out.


Sunday 11:40 p.m.


For some reason, when you left and no one could find you, I thought that you had left to some place far away, without telling anybody, and were never coming back.  I think I just worry too much, particularly when it comes to you. The only person more worried than me is Genevieve. She came and talked to me, and I told her what happened. I hope you know everyone here already misses you dearly.

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