Extended Epilogue

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5 years after first epilogue

Genevieve and I watch as Eadlyn and Kile walk into the Great Room together, smiling as big as ever. Today is Eadlyn's first birthday as queen, and the party is perfectly extravagant. After they make their proper greetings, Eadlyn walks over to us.

"Happy birthday Eadlyn!" I smile and embrace her, and Genevieve does as well.

"This party is way too fancy Elle," she teases.

I put my hands up. "Kile's orders."

"Speaking of doting husbands," Genevieve pokes me, and all three of us look across the room to Kaden.

"Have you told him yet?" Eadlyn questions.

"Not yet."

Eadlyn's eyes pop open, "What? You have to tell him tonight!"

"I know, I know," I shush her. "I will."

I've only known since yesterday morning, and Eadlyn and Gen are the only ones I've told. I've just been waiting for the right moment to tell him.

"Does Emily have Lills?" Genevieve asks.

"Yes," I answer, missing my daughter already. Three years ago, Kaden and I had our first baby, Lillian America Schreave. I wanted to name her after America, and Kaden liked the name Lillian. Of course, America loves the name.

"Come on." Genevieve says, noticing my separation anxiety. "Tonight is for having fun."

"You should go tell Kaden right now," Eadlyn whispers.

"Yes, great idea," Genevieve pushes me in Kaden's direction.

"Alright, alright." I concede and start walking towards Kaden, looking back at Genevieve and Eadlyn smiling and watching.

I make my way towards Kaden, catching bits of his conversation with Ahren as I approach.

"How's Adelaide?" Kaden asks.

"Really well," Ahren replies, "Already six years old. Time really flies."

"Tell me about it," Kaden sighs, "Lilly is already three."

Camille comes up behind Ahren and speaks French to him.

"Hey, good seeing you man," Ahren bids Kaden farewell.

"Kaden," I tap on his shoulder, "Could you come with me for a second?"

"Of course, love."

I seize him by the hand and drag him up the stairs, all the way to the roof.

"Ah." He smiles. "Where it all began."

"Remember the scavenger hunt?" I smile back at him.

He laughs, "Very well, in fact. That was so juvenile."

"Well I loved it."

I pull him close to me and put my ear to his heart.

"Kaden?" I ask.

"Yes, love?"

"Can I tell you something?"


"We're having another baby."

He stops and pulls away from me, staring at my stomach.

"Really?" He questions, his eyes wide with excitement.

I laugh and nod my head. "Really."

He pulls me close, kissing me gently.

"Elle Schreave, I will love you as long as I live."

"I'll love you more."

"I doubt that."

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