Chapter Six

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I read a few chapters before I get to the section I've been dying to read to her. The page that introduces Aspen. "Okay," I say through a jittery voice, "This part introduces your mom's boyfriend, so try to contain yourself."

I take a deep breath and read dramatically, "'Please don't call me gorgeous. First my mom, then May, now you. It's getting on my nerves.' By the way Aspen was looking at me, I could tell I wasn't helping my 'I'm not pretty' case."

"WHAT?!" Eadlyn screams, "General ASPEN Leger? Are you kidding me?"

"I wish I was," I say, bursting out with laughter.

"Wait, so General Leger... Oh no," she says, shoving her head into her pillow. I like seeing her a little more laid back. I can imagine one doesn't have much time to be silly when you're heir to the throne.

I laugh hysterically and Maxon and America walk in. I gasp and throw the book under the blanket. Even though the cover is off, you can never be too careful.

"What are you girls giggling about?" America asks.

"Oh nothing," Eadlyn says calmly. I'm not sure how America and Maxon would react if they knew I was telling their daughter the whole truth about how they fell in love.

"I'm glad to see you two becoming friends," Maxon comments. Eadlyn and I smile at each other. "Anyways," he continues, "We missed you at breakfast."

"Yes, I'm sorry," she apologizes, "I wasn't feeling very well, but I'm feeling much better now."

"No need to apologize," he says, "But I do need something from you."

"What is it?" Eadlyn asks.

"I want you to have a date today, preferably more than one" he begs, "With cameras so that we'll have something for the news."

"Of course," she says obediently, "It's well past time."

"Perfect," Maxon says, surprised at her response, "I agree."

"We'll see you later Eady," America says, planting a kiss on her head.

"Alright Mom," Eadlyn says nodding her head. Then Maxon and America leave, closing the door behind them.

Once they're gone, Eadlyn falls back into her pillow and groans. "Do you know exhausting it is to force yourself to fall in love?"

"It's okay," I say rubbing her knee, "You have me now, I can help you."

She laughs a little and says, "It's about time I have someone on my side."

After that, I'm officially made Eadlyn's lady in waiting. I'm happy that we clicked together so easily, and happy I'll have something to do around here.

The next day, I'm in the Women's room reading a book when Kiera comes up to me.

"How's everything been, Elle?" She asks warmly.

"Incredible. It's better than I could've imagined."

She smiles. "I'm glad."

I look down, a pang of sadness and guilt hits me for saying that being here has been good.

"What is it?" Kiera asks.

"It's just... my sister. I'm worried about leaving her. Our home life wasn't the best, emotionally, and I hate leaving her alone."

Just then, a maid walks into the Women's Room and comes over to me. "Miss, someone is here for you."

"For me?" I look over at Kiera and she has a mischievous grin.

Shaking my head, I set down my book and walk out of the Women's Room and into the foyer.

Standing in the middle is a young girl with long, dark brown hair, just like mine. She turns around and I see her frightened green eyes.

"Gen!" I gasp, running toward her and colliding into her with an embrace.

"Elle!" She pulls away. "I woke up on a bench in the gardens and I heard some boy say something about an Elle, so I walked around to the front door and asked for you. What is this place?" She looks around her at the palace, a major step up from even our house.

I start explaining tentatively. "Remember those books I told you to read? The Selection series?"

She looks at me suspiciously. "Yeah? Why?"

"You probably should have read them, because that's... that's where we are."

Her eyes get wide. "Are you saying that, we're in a fictional world?"

"I think so, yeah." I look at her hesitantly. "How long have I been gone?"

"Gone? I talked to you just last night."

"Gen, I've been here for over a week..."

She kits her brows. "What does this mean?"

"I think we're meant to be here. What other reason could there be?"

She nods and laughs. "Why not?"

"I've already been given a home here, I think they'll let you say here too."

"Forever?" She says nervously.

"I don't see any other choice."

She nods. "At least we have each other."

I squeeze her hand. "We have each other. That's all that matters."

I look over and see Kiera smiling in the doorframe of the Women's Room, and I return the smile, thanking her without words.

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