Chapter Twenty-One

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I expected to be nervous before Kaden comes, but I'm not. I'm glad that I feel so comfortable and safe around him that I don't have to worry.

Right on time, a knock comes at the door. I open it and Kaden stands casually, still in the same outfit with his sleeves rolled up, the top button of his shirt undone, and like always, his hair is a handsome mess.  "Are you ready?" he asks with a mischievous grin.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He takes my hand and we walk down the hall and up the stairs to the fourth floor.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we ascend a set of spiral stairs.

"The observation tower," he says as he looks back at me.

"Very romantic." I raise my eyebrows mischievously. We're both panting as we reach the top of the seemingly endless set of stairs, but before we can look out at the stars, we look up and stare in horror and two pairs blue and brown eyes are staring at us.

Maxon and America.

Kaden and I let go of our hands quickly. "Umm..." I blush furiously and look down at the floor.

Maxon looks at us with surprise. "Kaden, Elle?"

Kaden scratches his head. "Hey Dad, hey Mom."

"Kaden I am always happy to give you advice but when I said to go for it I didn't mean sneaking out in the middle of the night."

America rolls her eyes. "Oh, come on Maxon, they're kids. And they did spend the night in a safe room."

Maxon sighs, "Are you two... together now?"

Kaden and I look at each other, then look back at Maxon and America and nod.

"And you two know we're in the public eye, how do you want to handle it?" America looks to us.

Kaden and I exchange another glance. "Well," I say, my face still red hot. "We've decided that we aren't ready for the public to know yet."

"If that's what you two want," Maxon answers, glancing at America. "It'll stay between us." Both Kaden and I nod.

"Then go, have fun!" America flicks her hand towards the doorway and we take the opportunity to bolt down the stairs.

"Sorry I ruined our night," Kaden says as we reach the landing to the third floor.

"It's not your fault, let's just get as far away from them as possible."

"Then let's make up for it," he grins, "How about we go back to your room?"

"I'd be delighted."


Kaden and I talk for a few hours in my room. We learn more about each other, like how when Kaden was six he cried when their pet fish died, or how unsure he feels about the future now that he's training to be an advisor for Eadlyn.

After a while, the conversation shifts. "Kaden, can I tell you something?"

I can tell he senses the seriousness in my voice. "Of course."

I sit for a moment in thought. "Maybe it would be better to show you." I stand up and walk into my closet, leaving Kaden in confusion on my bed. I stretch onto my tip-toes to reach the shelf above my dresses, where I have four books stashed away. I gather them into my arms and walk back into the bedroom, dumping the books on the bed in front of Kaden.

"Books?" He looks up at me.

I sit on the edge of the bed. "Just look at them."

Placed before him is The Selection, The Elite, The One, and The Heir. He picks up The Selection. "Are these about my mom?"

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