Chapter Eleven

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It's been a few days since I saw Kaden, and I find myself frequently walking up and down the corridors of the palace hoping that I'll run into him.

It's late morning, and I'm daydreaming like I always do. It's sunny and warm outside, so I open the balcony doors to invite the summery scent into one of the more isolated libraries in the palace. I browse up and down the aisles, searching for something new to read. I'm focused on a familiar title and recognize it as one of my favorite classics. I take it off the shelf, turning it over in my hands. Just as I'm wondering how on earth it got here, I hear a pair of footsteps behind me, and I turn around to see a figure with messy blond hair and striking blue eyes. Kaden.

"Fancy seeing you here," I say, stepping closer to him.

He chuckles, "I see you've found my secret hideout. People rarely ever come to this library."

"That's exactly why I've been here all morning. What brings you around?"

"I'm just looking for a good book because I'm kind of in a slump. What's that one you've got there?" he says, reaching for the book in my hands. His fingers graze mine and our cheeks are rosy in seconds.

"Um-it's called...The Giver," I hand it to him as he examines the front cover.

"Sounds interesting," he continues as he reads the description on the back.

"Yeah. It's one of my favorites. You should take it, I'll find something else."

"Are you sure? If you were going to read it then I don't want to-"

"No, no," I assure him, "Take it, I've read it a thousand times. You'll love it."

"I think I will," he smiles, "I mean, if you like it, then I probably will too."

His love of books that matches mine and cute boyish smile are something out of a dream, but at the same time so real. I snap back into reality when he says something.

"Well I think I-I'm going to go and start reading this. I'll see you later," he smiles and walks away, book in hand. I sigh and slide onto the floor, leaning against the tall bookshelf. I bury my face in my hands, not letting myself think about the stuttering and blushing. No, I won't think about it.

My brain is reluctant, so I pick a random book off the shelf, and before I know it, I'm engrossed in it.

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