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2 years later

"Are you ready?" Eadlyn asks, practically bouncing with joy.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I answer, nervously smoothing the dress that Emily made for me. The dress as long lace sleeves, an allusion neckline, and a long, cascading train behind it. Not to mention, it fits me perfectly.

"You look beautiful," Genevieve assures me.

I blush and adjust the tiara on my head. "And you clean up well yourself."

"Oh what, this old thing?" Genevieve giggles as she fans out her dress.

Genevieve and Eadlyn are my only bridesmaids. Eadlyn engaged Kile a month after coming back from Italy, and married him a few months later. Kaden and I wanted to wait until everything calmed down to get married.

The music starts to play and Eadlyn and Genevieve rush to the door to wait for their cues. A woman on the side motions each of them on, sending them down the aisle and leaving me behind.

"You ready?" Aspen asks me and puts his arm through mine.

When I asked Aspen if he would walk me down the aisle, he graciously accepted. He's more of a father to me than my real father ever was.

"Always." I smile and the woman gives us our cue, and the doors are opened.

The amount of people in the room is overwhelming. Once the doors are opened, everyone stands up in unison and all eyes are on Aspen and I. As we start to make our way down the aisle, I notice all of the people in the room.

Kiera smiles with her family by her side, Marlee and May hold each other to control their excitement, Celeste, not surprisingly, winks at me.

Over all of the people, I can't see Kaden, but I do catch a glimpse of America, barely holding in her enthusiasm, and Maxon with his chest swelling in pride.

Then I see him. His beautiful blue eyes find mine and don't let go until he has to turn around to wipe his tears.

I finally make my way up to the alter and Aspen places my hand in Kaden's.
"You look beautiful," Kaden whispers to me.

I grin "You look beautiful too." Since Kaden isn't the heir, he doesn't have to wear the badges and the sword. Instead I convinced him to go with a simple tux.

The priest mutters some words, Kaden and I cry through our vows, we exchange rings, and then we hear the magic words, "And you may kiss the bride."

Kaden gives me quick kiss, and I grab his hand, and together we run out the doors of the chapel.

A few years ago, I couldn't have imagined getting married or having my happily ever after. Now, I have both, and I couldn't be happier.

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