Chapter Five

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Life at the palace as proved to be more extravagant than I imagined. I've been measured for dresses, given my own maid, my bedroom is at the end of the hall right next to Eadlyn's, and I eat dinner with the Woodworks, Kiera's family, Celeste, Amberly, and May and Magda for the time that they're here. Only Maxon, America, Eadlyn and I know about the books, so we decide to tell everyone that Kiera is my aunt.

The only hard part has been the guilt. I don't know how time works between here and home, but I can't stop thinking about Genevieve. The thought of my sister thinking I've run away without her hurts me more than I can bear. But I don't see a way out of this land, so I try to adjust as best I can.

Today I plan on talking to Eadlyn. I really want to be her friend, but most of all, I want to read her the first three books. I've already read them to America. We spend only three days getting through them while she's recovering from her heart attack, and from the arrival of Celeste and Amberly.

The news that Celeste and Amberley are alive is posted all over the country. Everyone erupted with joy. People were celebrating up and down the street, and even after a week, there are still parties everywhere you go.

Today is Sunday, and my maid, Emily, puts me in a day dress and I walk across the hall to Eadlyn's room. I knock on the door and Eadlyn answers.

"Oh hey," she says, a little surprised, "I wasn't expecting you."

"Sorry," I say gathering my thoughts, "Can I come in?"

"Sure, I guess," she says, a little curious.

I walk in and stand just inside the door. "I realize that we haven't had a real conversation," Eadlyn says.

"Yeah, me too," I reply. There's a short pause before I gather my thoughts again. "Eadlyn, I've read The Heir and The Crown, and I feel like I know you in a weird way. This may sound a bit elementary, but do you want to be friends?"

"I'd like that," she smiles. "That is, if you're willing to be my friend, knowing all my flaws."

"I'd love to be your friend," I smile. Me being seventeen and her being eighteen, I feel like we'll get along well.

We sit on her bed and I finally ask her the question I've been dying to know, "Eadlyn, how much do you really know about your parent's selection?"

"Bits and pieces," she says shrugging her shoulders, "I know about her only being there for the food and kneeing my dad, but that's about it. Oh, except for a few days ago, I got her to tell me that she had a boyfriend before the selection, but she won't tell me who."

I laugh at that, "Oh, you're in for a treat."

"What do you mean by that?" she asks.

"Do you want me to read you the books?" I ask.

"Would you?" she asks excitedly, "I would be so much better at this whole selection process if I knew even a little bit about another selection."

"I agree," I say. "Are you busy today?"

"I can take breakfast in my room and we'll have a little time," she offers.

"Perfect, I'll go get them." I dash across the hall to get the first book, The Selection. I take off the cover so that if anyone who knows about the books walks in, they won't know that that's what I'm reading. Back in Eadlyn's room I sit on her bed, excited to tell her about a story I've come to know and love, a story that I didn't know was true until now.

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