Chapter Twenty

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When I wake up, Kaden's arm is around my back and my head is resting against him. I feel the slow rising and falling of his chest, wanting to keep my eyes closed and stay in this moment a little longer.

How selfish I am, wanting to enjoy this peace with all that's happened right above our heads.

I don't have to think about it much more, because a few moments later I hear a faint click.

"Kaden," I whisper, sitting up and shaking him.

"Hm?" He says groggily as he sits up. The door to the hallway clicks open, and within seconds, Maxon, America, and Eadlyn all swarm into the room.

"Oh Kaden! We were worried sick!" America and Maxon both crouch down to him. "Are either of you hurt?"

"We're both fine Mom," Kaden eases her. "I'm glad you guys are safe." Maxon and America give each other a look and I can almost read their minds.

I stand up and Eadlyn runs and embraces me. "Oh Elle! I was so worried that they got you!"

"I'm okay, what about Genevieve?"

"She's alright, her maid showed her to the main safe room. She wanted to come help find you, but we told her to stay in her room. You better go soon, she's losing her mind."

I nod, instantly relieved.

"So why couldn't you get to the main safe room anyways?" Maxon asks.

I shake my head. "I was out in the gardens. By the time I came to my senses and went inside, it was almost too late. Kaden found me and brought me here. We almost didn't make it."

Maxon sighed and shook his head, "At least you're safe now. Come on, we have work to do." Maxon and America walk out first, with Kaden following closely behind, then Eadlyn grabs my hand and we walk out behind them.

When we make our way to the main hallway, there's glass strewn everywhere. Paintings are on the floor, chairs overturned, it's heartbreaking. "I thought there hasn't been an attack in years..." I say, bewildered.

"There hasn't been," America replies. "It's a new rebel group, claiming that the Selection distracts from real issues in the country. We'll be making a treaty with them soon."

When we reach the main staircase, I wrap my arms around Kaden, and he holds me tight.

"Thank you for keeping me safe."


I part ways with him and walk up the stairs, heading straight for Genevieve's room. I open the door without knocking, and I find her pacing around her room.

She throws her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder. "I thought..."

I shush her gently, running my fingers through her hair. "I'm safe Gen, we're okay."

"You can't keep scaring me like that." She manages to joke.

"Someone has to keep you on your toes."

She laughs, and I feel glad to have her here with me. I can't imagine going through all of this alone. Eventually we start at the task of cleaning each other's rooms, sweeping up broken glass and putting everything back where it goes, happy that a few items is all we lost this time.

After a while, Genevieve is called to help pick up the libraries, and I finish cleaning my room. I'm almost done tidying all of the clothes in my closet when I hear a shriek. I immediately run down the flight of stairs and look over the landing of the second floor, scared that maybe more rebels are in the palace.

All I see is America standing by the front doors, holding little Eva Leger in her arms, with Aspen and Lucy smiling right beside her. I run down the grand staircase and join them. "Isn't she so precious?" I ask America.

"I can't believe it," America says holding Eva tenderly. By this time, Maxon, Kaden, and Eadlyn come running down the hall. Maxon and Kaden's shirt sleeves are both rolled up and Kaden's hair is a handsome mess. Eadlyn is in her work pants and has lost her shoes somewhere in the process of running here.

America has her back to Maxon, and when he walks up to see the front of her, his jaw drops to the floor. "Um... who's this?" he asks suspiciously. One look at Lucy and Aspen and he puts the pieces together.

"Is she yours?" he asks, looking towards Lucy and Aspen. They look at each other and nod their heads.

"It's a miracle," Maxon says, peering down at the baby and putting his arm around America, "How? When did this happen?"

Lucy sighs, "She was left at our door step the night before yesterday. Elle picked her up off the porch and she was there when we came home."

Maxon has tears in his eyes, and he comes up beside America to wrap Eva's little hand around his finger. "What's her name?"

Aspen smiles proudly, "Eva Rose. And she's a Leger now."

"I'm so happy for you two," Eadlyn stands on the other side of America and peers down at the baby.

"Sadly, we can't stay and pass her around, but I'm sure we'll get a chance soon." Maxon takes one last look at the baby and leads Eadlyn out the room, with Kaden following close behind.

"I should get going too," I say and curtsy.

Kaden and I take one last look at each other before we part ways, keeping what happened in the safe room between us.

That night, when I come back from dinner, I find a note on my bed, obviously from Kaden. All it says is:

Be ready at midnight

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