Chapter 1

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The wind chilled through the empty stone halls. Jake pulled his red and yellow scarf closer to his frost bitten neck. The last quidditch practice had run long, so now he had to shamble around in the dark to get back to the common room. He could have sent a message to his sister Jade, but for one thing she was in hufflepuff, and another thing was he forgot his wand. If he hadn't left the blasted thing in the common room itself he wouldn't have any trouble getting back. Still, this was his fault and he couldn't complain.

A small tapping was coming from behind him, it was almost like... Footsteps. Oh god he was doomed. If anyone caught him out this late, he would have no real explanation. All of the other gryffindor players were able to get back so quickly, but he was left behind.

"Hello? I-If that's you headmaster scratch... I'm really sorry to be thumping around this late it's just-"

"Oh look, it's English, I knew it had to be some quidditch player Roxy!"

"Damn... Do I still owe you five blucks? Oops I mean bucks."

"Nah, I don't want it"

Jake spun around to face the voices. He was met with two fellow sixth years, both blond. He recognized them as Dirk Strider, a Slytherin student and Roxy Lalonde, a Ravenclaw. Both were siblings of Jade's friends in Ravenclaw.

"Oh! Uh hello!" Jake said awkwardly... He really only hung out with Jane, who was a hufflepuff student who baked the team sweets. She said Roxy was a good friend to her, but he never personally saw them together.

"Heyyyyyyy Jakey!" Roxy said, it was quite obvious that she was in a very intoxicated state. Jake didn't even know how she would have gotten the alcohol on campus. Though that didn't stick in his mind, what really did was the fact she called him by his nickname. No one used that nickname besides Jane. They had both called each other that ever since they met in second year.

"Don't waste your breath Rox... He just wants to get back to the dorms"

"Oh come on Jirk! Er... Dirk, it'll be fun!" She said in a very wishy washy tone. Jake had to just pray a teacher or the headmaster would catch them out here. Dirk simply sighed and grabbed both party's chilled hands. He began to drag them along. Jake hung his head in slight shame, who ever heard of a Slytherin helping a Gryffindor.

While in his looking down state continued he noticed two things, both were wearing shorts and Roxy's blue heels were scratching the stone floors. Where the hell did they just come from? It was the middle of December, and much too cold to not wear a scarf. Transfixed on this fact, he completely missed the fact that they had reached his stop off the crazy train.

"Here ya are English." Dirk said lifting him back into a standing position with a smirk gracing his lips.

"Oh, thank you Strider! Though I would like to know how you know my name..."

"My little bro hangs around your sister. She tells me all about how cool you are" he said, his smirk widening to the point it looked condescending. Jake cringed.

"Oh I do apologize for that... She doesn't know when to shut up does she?" He laughed nervously, what was happening.

"Now now, come my Dirky! I can't get the riddle if I'm this drunk... Or maybe I can... I'M GONNA TRY IT!" Roxy said, trying to pull Dirk her direction, giggling the whole way. Jake smiled at her absurdity.

"Well I see you're being summoned, thank you for the escort." He said waving to them.

"No problem English..." Dirk said with a hollow tone as he began to let Roxy drag him.
Jake's smile faded as he went through the painting quickly. Those two were... Interesting to say the least. With a turn to the side he saw John asleep in a chair with his wand. He must have waited here the whole time for him. He'd have to thank him in the morning.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now