Chapter 6

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Dirk spent the next half hour of class in silence, exploring the garden of his mind. Jake spent that half hour in total shock. He kept thinking; 'why did I let Roxy save me?' And 'How was I so helpless?' He pushed his glasses back up his caramel face, standing up at the sound of DOTDA being over after what seemed like an eternity. His heart was still bounding against his chest as he walked out onto stone hall. It was already bustling by the time he left the classroom. He turned a corner, he needed to go sit in his dorm and decompress a bit. His next class was herbology, but he was failing that anyways so it didn't matter if he skipped it. His boots clanked on the ground as he walked up the stairs to his room. With a loud slam, he closed the door with extenuating force. English flopped onto his bed with a 'oomph' thinking he was alone.

"Hey there bro!" A floppy floppy voice said from the other side of the room. Jake sat up with a huff to see who the guy talking to him was. Gamzee was sitting on his own bed, smiling a very dopey grin. Jake never really talked to Gamzee, or anyone in his dorm besides John for that matter.

"Uhhhh... Hi Gamzee, right?"

"Yup, that's me bro!" he said with a hearty laugh.

"Is there something you needed from me, Gamzee?"

"Nope, just wanted to see why you weren't all smiles like normal, bro," he said smiling again. Jake just shrugged, undoing his tie, which he promptly threw on the floor. Gamzee nodded back at him, and he flopped back into his own bed. Jake could hear him snoring in no more than twenty seconds. A breeze of chill flew threw the open window of the dormitory. Jake whipped the window shut and he rolled straight back into bed, burying himself in the Crimson sheets. They were soft like silk, and they warmed the Brit up to his bones and he never wanted to leave again. 

Dirk sat in herbology next to Roxy as usual. He waited for Jake to come in, but Jake never came. It wasn't like him to skip class, so naturally he got worried. Professor Dolorosa walked in quite gracefully, her green striped dress trailed behind her. Everyone looked to the pale, head of hufflepuff at the front of the room. She smiled her black tainted lips at everyone very happily.

"Why hello class!"

"Hello Professor Dolorosa!" Everyone said, slightly more enthusiastic than they did to Professor Mindfang. This was also standard, for Mindfang would work her students to the bone not caring for casualties, but Dolorosa was kind to her students and she always made herbology more fun than it could be. Jane was smiling widely, sitting what seemed like a world away from Dirk and Roxy. This was also a class that they had to share with the now fourth years, being; Jade, Dave, John, Rose, and all of their friends. Jade started to chat quietly to Jane, as Dolorosa began to explain the lesson for the day. Dirk couldn't tell if he was tuning all of the noise out on purpose or if his brain was doing it on instinct. He couldn't seem to concentrate forwards, and he felt his eyes keep falling over to Jake's empty seat.

It was an impossible to concentrate for the full two hours. Between his brain tuning everything out, to Roxy continuously poking his shoulder there was so much to focus on besides the lesson. He sighed a long breath he didn't realize he was holding when Dolorosa said they could all leave. He sprinted over to John's side immediately.

"You're Egbert right?"

"Uh... Yeah I am!"

"Can you go see if Jake is up in your common tower or something? I need to... Well Roxy needs to give him something," Dirk said, seemingly in one breath. John just nodded with a smile and a spark went through his cerulean eyes. Dirk and Roxy followed John to the Gryffindor tower's painting, which he easily swung open with a swift motion. Dirk got a small glimpse of their common room and was immediately jealous. It was warm, and there was a fire place heating the red and gold, wood floored, room that was filled with bookshelves and chess boards. It looked so... Comfortable. Before he could get too attached to the view, the room was obstructed by the painting again. Roxy looked towards Dirk.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I want to make sure Jake is safe..."

"Why? Was I right all along? Do you wand a piece of tat good English ass?" she asked with a drunken smile. She was great at hiding flasks in crappy school uniform pockets.

"No... I don't believe so," Dirk finished with a sigh as the painting swung out again. The raven haired fourth year poked his head out again.

"He's sleeping like the dead, Gamzee said he came in right before the last class and just fell asleep!" The teen said with an apologetic look in his eyes. Dirk knew that look much too well, but he just had to brush it off.

"It's fine, put this note on his nightstand or on his glasses," The blond replied, handing the teen a folded piece of parchment. John nodded and disappeared into the painting again.

"Well then what was tat? Er- That?"

"Just a note telling him he should join us to Hogsmade tomorrow," he said, turning on his heel and strolling down the hall to lunch. Roxy notice he was in his stride so she ran to catch up with him.

"Hey Dirk wat for me! Wait up!" 

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now