Chapter 18

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Inside the not-so-private cabin, Rose pulled out her glass ball. It was the one Doc Scratch had given her in second year. It could replay events and see minor bits on the future, which became very useful for situations like this. He had originally given it to her to raise her prow ace in class, he wanted her to hone her fortune telling abilities. Three years later and he wasn't disappointed in her progress.

Dolorosa saw the white sphere in the teen's hand and she took a step back. She starred as Rose grazed her hand over its smooth surface. Dolorosa took the ball in her hands, watching as a few whisks of light began to swirl into the picture Rose wanted. The Lalonde turned on her heel and swiped the privacy curtain shut, blocking the Strider's view with a quick motion. She spun back to her superior, who was hypnotized by the images playing themselves over and over again on the ball's screen. Dolorosa handed Rose the cue ball back in a very graceful manor.

"Thank you miss Lalonde, that was very... Helpful information," she said, sliding past the blond quickly.

"I do hope you understand that Dirk was only sticking up for the equality you and Professor Signless want," Rose said in a hushed tone, not even bothering to look at the woman. Dolorosa nodded her head.

"Yes, he was provoked, and it was Vriska who started the fight,"

"Correct, now please leave my cousin alone, it you don't mind," she said with a sly but caring smile. Dolorosa nodded, gliding out to see the fighters sitting and bickering about it. She grabbed Vriska by the ear, carrying her to the teacher carriage.

"Professor Dualscar would love to hear about this, wouldn't he miss Skrete?"

"Oh god!"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now