Chapter 19

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The train lurched to a stop, it was finally time to get off this blasted train. All four blondes grabbed their respective luggage, walking out of the train to see Bro. Everyone called the Strider's guardian Bro, and everyone would call the Lalonde's guardian Mom. It never mattered who it was, as long as they knew them, that's what they were called.
Mom Lalonde was a teacher at Homewarts, she taught apparition if there were enough people interested, which this year there wasn't. She stood next to Bro at the mouth of the entrance, waiting patiently for their children to come out. Rose came into view, leading her sister and cousins through the chaos. She waved at her mom, who began to make her way words the group. She squished her way through the crowd, grabbing the train of kids with a tug. They all popped out, reuniting with the blonde man, making a small pool of blonde wizards and witches alike. Mom Lalonde was hugging each of the kids, with a peck on the forehead and a hello, where as Bro simply said hello to each child with his signature fist bump. Dirk was slightly slumped over, he wanted to be with Jake. Then he remembered about the phone. He suddenly really wanted to go home.
"You kids have any floo powder left?" Mom Lalonde asked searching in her own bag. Roxy and Dirk shook their heads, as well as Dave. Rose sighed and pulled out three small bags overflowing with a green dust. Bro nodded at Rose for being prepared, and walked off, disappearing into a floo. Rose handed her mother a bag, and handed another to the older siblings. Dave grabbed her hand, running to the nearest floo, throwing in some of the green glitter. The flames bursted into a green bomb. Dave walked in, leaving Rose with a boom.

Rose followed suite, trowing in the powder and walking through the blazing flames. The rest of the blondes did the same basic procidure. Each soon felt themselves appear inside another flaming floo. With a long stried they each stepped out onto the crowded street in turn.

Once each of the family was out on the other side, they seperated into their groups. The boys stood in a small huddle and the girls in another, each waving to their counterpart. They each had a few blocks to walk home from their current location, but they weren't going to stay together. They had too go to their seperate directions.The guys left first, walking off to the left.

"Hey Bro?" Dirk asked.
"Yeah lil bro?"

"Can I have the keys? I got some homework for Dolorosa,"

"K, whatever," the oldest strider said with a sigh, dropping the oranges keys into the younger Strider's hands. Dirk vaulted forwards, sprinting to the apartment. Dave looked at him confused, but just continued at his leisurely pace with his older bro.
Dirk ran into the white building. It was made of whitewashed bricks and was around twelve stories tall, and the Striders owned the whole damn thing. It was pretty cold and boring in there but, hey, whatcha' gunna do?

He ran to the old looking oddity in the middle of the room. He picked up the grey receiver, pulling out the paper in his pocket with curly green handwriting. There was an array of numbers and instructions on the paper. He punched in the number into the key pad slowly, counting each number as he nodded his head. The phone began to ring and buzz in his hand. He put the receiver to his ear, as instructed by the paper and he began to whisper a new mantra.

"Hello... Hello... Hello... HELLO!" Dirk screeched in surprise. He had been whispering his hello for the mere ten seconds before someone said hello in a very questioning tone. That person was no other than Jake.

"Dirk? Hello Dirk! Oh right I forgot to tell you about how you don't have to yell for me to hear you. Ya sorta just burst out my ear drum..." The Brit said, rubbing his ear on the other side of the line. Dirk sighed.


"It's fine, I suppose!"

"I only have a few seconds, my bro is going to be back in like... A minute,"

"Yeah, that would be awkward... Hmmmm, want to come over in a few days?"

"I thought I told you my bro won't let me..."

"I have a plan for once, just sneak out when he says you should go clubbing or whatever!" Jake said with a verbal smile, "Oh golly Strider, you've got me using you slang!"

"Yeah, sorry English... Um I'm pretty sure my bro signed me up to dj in like... Three days, is that cool?"

"Oh, of course!"

"Great, cya English!" Dirk said, hearing the door begin to open. He slammed the phone down and ran to the stairs, thumping up them quick as a fox.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now