Chapter 28

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As the winter began to thaw away the kids began to. Return to Homewarts. Every muggle residing wizard, including Jake and Jade, were huddled around platform 4 ⅓. The train began to roll up and everyone began hugging and saying goodbye to their families. Grandma Harley was already gone at this point so her two children were standing like statues throughout the commotion. The train lurched to a stop, and the large iron doors swung open on each cabin. The Signless was loading each piece of luggage for the students to their left, Jake looked up into one of the cabins as he handed his truck to said worker. His emerald orbs lit up as he locked eyes with a pair of stupid ironic triangles. His face broke into a smile as he ran into the right cabin.

Dirk was leaned up against his seat, waiting for the crash of a door. That crash came rather quickly as Jake flung himself in. He then obviously tripped because what idiot runs into a train cabin in a stupid cape? Jake did and now he's on the floor in front of all the Striders and Lalondes, but that is besides the point.

"Jake, holy shit are you ok?!" Dirk screeched.

"Language, you sick people!" Someone, obviously the Zahhak boy, screamed. Jake rolled his eyes at both parties.

"I'm fine, Strider. It's just a little bump!" he said with a buck toothed grin. Dirk's cheeks began to heat up a little, looking down at the Brit. Roxy helped him up and sat him down in the seat next to Dirk.

Jade walked into the cabin with a much calmer demeanor as she plopped down next to Dave. The two went on chatting as Jane and John walked into the same cabin. Everyone sat in the seats next to their fellow friends, trying to hear over everyone else. They each talked of their winter break, with some simple bluffs from a few of the group. Dirk leaned to the left, letting his eyes roll to look out of the window.

The train began to move forwards, letting the muggle world fall behind them. Tangerine eyes focused on each tree, darting from each piece of nature. Jake leaned onto Dirk, only slightly, but enough to get the stone cold Strider to pull a smirk.

A pair of fuschia eyes grazed over to the boys. Her blonde hair was actually well combed for once and her eyes weren't clouded. She was glad to see these two through sober eyes for once.

The train lurched to a stop, the doors swung open in time. Dirk had drifted to sleep, so Jake shook him awake in the least loving way he could. Dirk sat bolt upright, letting his head dart around to examine his surroundings. Noticing that he was in a train car, he pulled back from Jake, standing and straightening his dress shirt. Jake laughed slightly, standing along side Dirk.

"Well... You ready for this term?" Jake asked, pushing up his glasses.

"No, of course not..." Dirk started, "But I'll power through... With a certain Brit's help..."

"Of course Stri-" Jake started before Dirk ruffled his hair, "Hey!"

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now