Chapter 13

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The week went by much too fast for Dirk's liking. Sure he was very excited to go to the Yule Ball with Jake, but one slip up and his plan would be ruined. He was sitting in front of the Ravenclaw dorm. He knocked on the wall with a yell.


"One sec Drit! Er... I mean Dirk!" she yell whispered through the wall. Great she was already drunk... With a thud, Roxy tumbled out of the magical portal door. She was wearing a short, hot pink dress with lace around the bottom.

"Ya look good, Rox,"

"So do you Stri-trider!" Roxy said, with an intoxicated smile and a hiccup. Dirk held out his elbow, which she took greatfully as they walked through the chaotic halls. Everyone let the two pure bloods through, making a large walkway for the two. No one noticed the longing looks on the blond's faces for their actual dates. Roxy whispered up, in an almost sober way to Dirk.

"Hey, thanks for doing this for us..."

"It's fine Rox, really I should be thanking you. I mean this was all your idea,"

"Well, I guess I'm a not a Ravenclaw for nothing!" she said with a bubbly giggle. Dirk straightened out his vibrant tangerine suit with his free hand as they approached the Great Hall's door. People were chatting and laughing happily around the entrance, forming cliques of friends and dates met up. Dirk scanned the crowd from behind his tinted glasses. He couldn't see head nor tail of his actual date. The music was blaring from beyond the gate, making it hard to hear his own thoughts. A sigh passed through his pale lips before someone came up behind him and scared him.

"Hello, Strider!" Jane said quite loudly in his ear. He yelped spinning around to see Jane and Jake standing arm in arm. Jake was in a forest green tail coat with his wand shoved in his pocket, and Jane was in a long, shimmering, blue ball gown. Roxy saw one look at the two and hugged Jane with a laugh.

"Yaaaaaaaaay! Janey is here!" Jane took a few steps back so she wouldn't fall as she hugged her girlfriend back. Dirk waved to Jake, smiling a charming Strider smile, making heat rush to the embarrassed English's face.
The girls took their opportunity, which was a clearing by the door, and ran in. Jake smiled one of his buck toothed grins at his escort. Dirk held out his hand.

"I have another one of my plans," he said as Jake took his hand, skeptically. Jake nodded as they walked swiftly up the back stairs.
There was a back room Dirk had reserved for the two of them. There were small lightening bugs in jars hanging from the walls, and the spiderwebs in each corner seemed to glitter like fairy dust. Jake's eyes darted around the room in awe, finally landing back upon Dirk.

"Did I fuck it up?"

"No way! It's brilliant Dirk!" Jake said with a gasp as he looked around his date to see a hole in the wall.

"It should filter the music up here if I got the design right," Dirk said as he noticed where Jake's gaze was directed. Jake's face stayed in awe as Dirk whisked him onto the makeshift dance floor. The two rocked back and forth in each other's grasp, humming along with the music. Dirk spun his partner around, dipping him and capturing his lips in a chaste kiss. Jake looked back at him in the most loving way that Dirk could imagine.


"Yes, Dirk?" Jake replied, making Dirk almost shudder with joy at the sound of his voice coming out of the other's mouth.

"I... I love you, Jake English," he said. Jake smiled as he was brought back up to a standing position, where he promptly pecked Dirk's cheek. Dirk smiled back, getting lost in his lover's eyes. The two rocked gently with the music for the remainder of the dance, occasionally spinning the other around. Both finally felt like they were at home, within each other's arms.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now