Chapter 33

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Dirk dropped Jake back to where he wished to remain. The blonde crawled out of the painting, slamming it closed. The man in the painting huffed at him. The kids learned that his name was Hussie.

"How about you stay in your own dorms?!"

"Because you created an awful system!" Dirk said, running as he flipped off the sentient painting.

As the week crawled on, Dirk managed to round everyone up through his poor actions. He got Roxy to help bring his grades up, he distracted Jane from Dave by asking her to prepare cakes and sweets for the upcoming graduation. He still dreaded said graduation, but he was slowly accepting it. Jake was walking down to meet with him for little... Well Dirk called them dates, Jake never really thought of them like that. Though that's probably exactly what they were.

Their finals were fast approaching, Roxy and Jane had begun to disappear again, he figured that they were just studying. They were not. He still hadn't asked Jake about what he was going to do after graduation. He knew his bro would make him go to Derse, the most prestigious magic college.

As he started to walk up the stairs of the Slytherin common room he noticed a few of the teachers talking in the corner. It was actually all of the heads of houses. There was Dualscar, Dolorosa, Signless, and Handmaid. They all seemed to be bickering and as he drew closer he realized they were talking about the graduation ceremony. Dualscar was going for Signless' throat, Handmaid was holding the tall teacher back as Dolorosa stood in between the two. Dirk sighed, it was always like this around here nowadays. He had learned to ignore it.

Jake English and the Anime Boy (Dirk x Jake HarryPotter!AU)Where stories live. Discover now